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I have a ResMed airsense 10 autoset, I love very much. Suddenly however instead of gently giving me air it's ramming it down my throat at a high level. How high? You may ask, I don't know. I down loaded my SD card, but understand nothing I'm looking at so that doesn't help me. I had this occurrence when I first got the machine. A nice person at the cpap store showed me how to get in and check my adjustments. Everything was then fine; until now, two years later.
I went back into the setting to verify nothing had changed. It had not. Now I recently got a new mask, a Fisher & Paykel Solo™ Nasal CPAP Mask. Thinking maybe it's the mask, I went back to my old Respironics Wisp Nasal mask. It made no difference. Any thoughts?
Your pressure is at the factory default setting and not fine-tuned to your needs.
Your AHI and flow limit are high. Adjustments needed.
Unfortunately, your upload file is not well organized, and I cannot see all the settings. I suggest increasing the width of the "Details" field by pulling its border to the right until each statistic is within one line. Then upload it. You should also make visible the bottom part of the "Details" by moving the bar down and uploading that chart, too.
08-28-2024, 03:35 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2024, 03:36 PM by G. Szabo.)
RE: Resmed Airsense 10 Autoset
You should set your min/max pressure to 12/16 cm to reduce OAs.
Your events are clustered, indicating positional apnea. Change your sleeping position (side sleep is the best) and select a thinner pillow to avoid chin tucking. You can also use a soft cervical collar.
Let's see the outcome; we must deal with your high number of CAs in the next step.
Thank you Mr. Szabo, kind of you to look at my numbers. I shall make adjustments to my machine. I sleep in a number of different positions. I confess I do like sleeping on my stomach with my face buried in my pillow. I do however, often sleep on my side, and on my back as well. Ever since getting a CPAP machine 20 years ago, I've never slept better.
(08-28-2024, 05:17 PM)Turpentine Wrote: I confess I do like sleeping on my stomach with my face buried in my pillow.
Stomach sleeping is the best from an apnea perspective as long as you can get enough air and wear a mask that allows it. I have tried it but have never been able to overcome the neck pain. Hence, the realistic option is side sleep.
Please keep us posted about your progress.