The dimensions of the collar:
62 cm / 24,4 inch
Chin height:
9.0 cm / 3,54 inch
The collar has a recess for the larynx, and is slightly rejuvenated in the chin area.
(Link: ttps://ütze-Eco-2-blau/dp/B0041M7DM6/ref=sr_1_9?crid=11NE2HNGAR7A2&keywords=halskrause+mensch&qid=1661169183&sprefix=halskrause%2Caps%2C117&sr=8-9)
I have been wearing the collar for three days now, and I am still clear whether it is the right one for me.
The length fits,but I'm still a bit undecided about the
height. I can still move the chin down 1-2 (0.4-0.78 inch) centimeters. And I'm still looking for the best setting not to get the collar too tight around the neck.
@mike (multicast)
Yes, I read the links and watched the video. Very revealing. The large leaks do not occur every night, but rather in a rhythm of 2-3 days. I'm trying my best to improve the settings for the F30i as described in the video, but that takes time, as you know. Therefore, I will not try to optimize the F30i at this time to exclude possible further sources of error for the self-experiment with neck brace.
Auf Deutsch: Die Optimierung der F30i werde ich gerne
nach dem Selbstversuch mit der Halskrause durchführen, eins nach dem anderen
Third Night
with a soft neck brace.
Hmm, no big leaks, but the AHI value is greater than yesterday.