RE: Red ring around face
Liner would be all I could think of to help. I have redness also and always have with anything but a Fitlife which I dont use anymore.
But I have the same redness not only where the mask touches but also all the area inside the mask nasal or FF.
Its there all day all night all the time and has been for three months. Doesnt hurt dosent itch, just red. Sometimes I think its from the extra humidity but cant sleep without that so Im just a copy cat of Rudolph of the Red Nose. LOL
RE: Red ring around face
actually what worked even better for me was a good moisturizing lotion, the cold weather we have had with start of winter i dontt think i had enough moisture in my skin, that helped a lot and today my ring is gone. I used gold bond for men lotion and have had good success with it
RE: Red ring around face
This might sound like a stupid suggestion, but I shall make it anyway. In the winter I find that my normal washing of my hands makes them break out for no apparent reason, I'm not sure if it's drying my skin or the cold or whatever that creates the issues, but I have skin issues and find too much washing and cleaning without using something like colloidal oatmeal or some other skin moisturizer just wreaks havoc on me. I have the same issues on the rest of my skin, so I slow down the washing and use a little more moisturizer and that helps for me. I wonder if this is the same type of case where everything is so clean it is now irritating you.
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RE: Red ring around face
This is a learning experience for me. My wife has skin reactions to a lot of soaps and shampoos, but until now I have never had such a reaction (except for my alergies to anything that is green and grows).
Two days of Gold Bond and the red is gone. The skin is try and flakey now, where it was red, but I am guessing that will clear up in another couple of days.... just in time for my business trip to Madison WI on Wednesday. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.