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Removing mask during sleep? Found a solution
Removing mask during sleep? Found a solution
I have been using CPAP from past 10 months now but I cannot keep my mask on for longer than 4 hours and sometimes, less and it was causing a problem with my sleep quality and insurance compliance. I don't even remember removing the mask and I tried multiple things for that but didn't succeed. I got a call from my insurance company last week that I am not compliant and they might stop paying for my CPAP supplies. I am a software engineer, I bought these cheap 10$ wifi smart plugs from Amazon which has built-in energy usage monitoring. I build a kind of geeky solution for myself which notifies my computer if the energy usage on socket drops down a certain limit which I tested is required when the machine is running, and it plays loud sounds on my speaker and wakes me up to wear the mask again. I don't know how many other people are suffering from the same problem. The current solution works for me but it is not simple for anyone to set up. If there are a lot of you guys like me then I can work on building a simple solution like a mobile app or something. Just want to get an idea.
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RE: Removing mask during sleep? Found a solution
Sounds like a good idea. If that doesn't work there's always Duct Tape.
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RE: Removing mask during sleep? Found a solution
You can keep the CPAP interface on more than 4 hours, you just haven't found the right one, or broken the habit of removing it. This is a matter of finding what works, then using it, even if you have a subconscious impulse to remove it. If you are using a nasal mask, try nasal pillows. You are bright enough to set up an alarm to notify you of a mask removal, you can certainly find a way to ensure you are awakened if you remove the mask.
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RE: Removing mask during sleep? Found a solution
I've been using my APAP machine for nearly five weeks now. In the past week, I have removed the mask without any memory of doing so on three occasions. Very frustrating indeed.

I am currently travelling and can't visit my equipment supplier for at least another month or two, and don't have a follow appointment with my physician until December 1.

I was hoping you might be able to share what plugs you are using (and the code if you feel comfortable) as I too am a computer enthusiast of sorts.  Cool

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RE: Removing mask during sleep? Found a solution
(09-20-2018, 07:10 PM)sleepymind Wrote: I have been using CPAP from past 10 months now but I cannot keep my mask on for longer than 4 hours and sometimes, less and it was causing a problem with my sleep quality and insurance compliance. I don't even remember removing the mask and I tried multiple things for that but didn't succeed. I got a call from my insurance company last week that I am not compliant and they might stop paying for my CPAP supplies. I am a software engineer, I bought these cheap 10$ wifi smart plugs from Amazon which has built-in energy usage monitoring. I build a kind of geeky solution for myself which notifies my computer if the energy usage on socket drops down a certain limit which I tested is required when the machine is running, and it plays loud sounds on my speaker and wakes me up to wear the mask again. I don't know how many other people are suffering from the same problem. The current solution works for me but it is not simple for anyone to set up. If there are a lot of you guys like me then I can work on building a simple solution like a mobile app or something. Just want to get an idea.

Compliance is a big hurdle for some people, but only because the use of the machine effectively is a problem for them.  The troubles vary, and I am loath to make stuff up, but I would guess that close to one new/returning-after-a-miss user for every seven or eight has a problem with at least bad leaks, or severe deformation or deflection of the mask, or outright removal while still pretty much asleep.  

(Sorry, that was long and confusing...one in eight or ten users at some point has trouble keeping the mask in place.  That's just my SWAG.)

Whether it is leaks for any number of reasons, or due to frustration or anxiety and removal while still asleep, compliance is definitely subject to jeopardy, BUT....so is the person's needed TREATMENT!  The mask must fit, and be held in place securely, IOW.  We can't fix them so firmly that they can't easily be removed for a good reason.  That would defeat the marginal users entirely, especially those suffering from anxiety or perceived temporary air starvation.  But an ALARM....that could be useful.

Many years ago, my younger brother still wet his bed.  He would have been about 9 or so.  The physicians told us that it's not uncommon, and an indication of very deep sleep.  He had to learn to respond to his bladder's signals.  We had an electrified pad placed under his bottom sheet which would complete embedded wire circuits when the ions in his urine bridged wires of opposing polarity.  Very simple, really, but the upshot is that he eventually learned to 'listen' to his bladder.  It meant that the rest of us had to take turns rising when WE heard the alarm and to awaken him right away.  I think this lasted about three or four months at most.  BTW, the syndrome is known as 'enuresis'. 

I took many words to get about to encourage you to keep at it and to provide a service to the comparatively few who really struggle with this.  It's important to them, even if you never hear a word of thanks.  Please, persist.
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RE: Removing mask during sleep? Found a solution
Ideas, your mileage may vary:

Mittens on your hands might make it difficult enough to remove the mask that you wake up.

For compliance purposes, use your CPAP while watching TV or reading.

Go online and find spirit gum, an adhesive used in theater make up to somewhat firmly, albeit temporarily, fasten the mask to your face. Again, it may wake you up when you do it. Note: to get it off, use an oil-based cleanser lke cold cream.
Note: I'm an epidemiologist, not a medical provider. 
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