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[Symptoms] Things are better, but not good enough. Help?
RE: Things are better, but not good enough. Help?
Thanks so much again - yes, variability is fine, and TBH I don't know what's baseline or "normal" as far as resp rate. I do read that 10 and below, not good! Especially when you put it together with my history. 4 BPM + 5 HR + hypotension + occluded artery? I used to debug stuff like this all the time, except it was routers, not bodies.

It's interesting, the more folks on the board who see my graphs and sort of go Thinking-about  hmmm suggests this stuff out of scope for just sleep medicine.

I like your idea; haven't followed up on this with my cardio so I'll ping him. A month is probably a better bet.
I need cardiologist to talk to neurologist to talk to sleep doc to talk to ENT. Since that's not going to happen I have to do it all myself, but

Thanks thanks thanks!
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RE: Things are better, but not good enough. Help?
In a better world, our primary care physicians consistently would do the work of getting the specialists to talk with one another. I'm in the Kaiser system, where my PCP does sometimes do this kind of coordination, especially if I ask him to, but it shouldn't really be on us to prompt that.
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RE: Things are better, but not good enough. Help?
I agree with Dormeo that your Cardiologist should interpret all of this. 

I have bradycardia and I have fainted a few times in my life.  I had an episode of POTS as well once caught by the week long heart monitor (when I stood up to get out of bed).  

When you get down to 5BPM and 4 HR + hypotension + occluded artery, the body may need a lightening quick up-tick in circulation to keep you from fainting.  I am not a Dr. though.   I did a lot of research about my conditions.  Dormeo must have experience as well if she has successfuly dealt with tachcardia.
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