(05-18-2017, 07:36 PM)RogerNZ Wrote: Hi all,
I tried last night EPR of 3 but apart from that everything as it has been. I wasn't exactly sure how to present the data from sleepyhead so I just took screenshots and put them inside a word document for last night. Let me know if this isn't the best method.
The pressure didn't go quite so high last night and I didn't have any long obstructions with the longest only 50 seconds or so.
Best regards,
Hi Roger,
For the EPR, you have it set to work only during the Ramp time:
EPRResMed Exhale Pressure Relief
Ramp Only
And, you have ramp turned off:
RampRamp Enable
So, if you want to turn the EPR on, you need to change the setting for EPR to be 'full time', or something like that in the clinical menu.
My suggestion would be to start at EPR 1 for a few days, and then perhaps try 2, especially if you get your minimum pressure up higher.
In my own case, my titrated pressure for CPAP is 13. My untreated AHI is 58.9 with lows of 60% oxygen Sats and 90 second apnoeas. With careful and slow adjustments of settings, my AHI is now constantly below 0.5
My settings now are 12.2 to 17.2 with EPR of 2.
I didn't end up bringing the maximum pressure down much, but I found keeping a reasonably tight range minimises leaks due to big pressure changes.
I took the minimum pressure up 0.2 cm at a time from 5 to 13 and then gradually down to 12.2. I was new to CPAP and so wanted to take it very slowly and carefully.
Take care