03-16-2018, 01:00 PM
RE: Sleepyhead and ResMed
(02-11-2018, 10:02 AM)A KLERK Wrote: Further:HI Klerk,
I need to build a nice fast workstation, but also need to find a way to switch a bank of low end windows/linux/mac machines (or NUC's/VMs) to test running code on comparable to what low end/average users have. Up till now I've been relying on others to do the bulk of the testing, which is a ridiculous development model.
(I mean performance testing)
Most of SleepyHead was written on an 800mhz clock locked Dell notebook... it used to take 25 minutes to compile, and I'm complaining about 27 second builds, lol.
For now SleepyHead is working without any major flaws. I'm still proud that I made you call it version 1.0.0 Now people believe in it, even so that the ApneuVereniging call it "the most usefull solution".
I took a lot out of me getting it there.. I'm super glad other devs have stepped up with the new stuff.
I believe that you can have ONE strong machine and use multiple virtual machines with all specifications you need form CPUs and RAMs,.. using either Microsoft HyperV or VMware workstation and run ALL of them same time (based on your environment and how many monitors you could use, instead of keep switching between them)