Sooo tired
I've been reading, and apparently this is normal when just starting out on a CPAP.. as I'm only a week in.
I'd get there being an adjustment period because one sleep is interrupted trying to get used to mask. Hose. Whatever.
I don't have that issue. No issues with head gear. Getting 6hr of sleep a nite. No mask leak and AHI under 2 (sleep study was 7)
Obviously going to stick it out, just wonder if anyone can make sense of the cause of being tired. Almost feel worse. Lol
RE: Sooo tired
Being one week in is a bit early to expect dramatic results. I'd suggest you look at the adequacy of 6-hours of sleep. Most of us require more to feel rested, and you are still in a recovery process. Try to find the time to extend sleep another hour or two.
RE: Sooo tired
Hang in there AHI is not the only thing. I have nights where mine is higher and I feel well rested and nights where it is lower and feel like I slept like crap. Sounds like you're doing OK for just starting out.
RE: Sooo tired
4.3 hours of sleep would leave me whacked the next day! Go get some real sleep! You can party when you're dead. er, no, that is not it...
RE: Sooo tired
Definitely not partying. Lol.