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Statistics page glitches, per Bonjour's request [resolved, see post #3]
In the Oscar release thread, I noted these issues with the Statistics page:
The AHI under Changes to Machine Settings are too high, the numbers of days at each setting are incorrect, the pressures listed are incorrect, and the dates for starting/stopping each setting are erratic. The dates under Machine information are correct.
Bonjour requested a new thread with a screenshot. I include a screenshot of the overview page, set to everything, for comparison purposes. (All data there is correct.)
I'm afraid these may be too small to read, but let's see.
RE: Statistics page glitches, per Bonjour's request
One thing that could be causing this is the (historical and terrible) way OSCAR handles summarizing settings for a day: it uses a time-weighted average. This, of course, would not correspond to any particular setting on a giving day, and you can imagine the havoc it wreaks when you use the time-weighted average of a CPAP mode.
If that's what's happening here, then fixing it will probably need to wait until the next version, since there are countless places where this kind of calculation is being improperly used.
But I'll let Phil weigh in on the specifics, since he's more familiar with the Resmed loader.
With Oscar NOT running, go to your profile directory (Documents/OSCAR_Data/Profiles/yourprofilename -- or wherever you named and placed your OSCAR data directory) and you will see a file named rxchanges.cache. Rename the file to old-rxchanges.cache. (Use rename rather than delete just in case we need to look at the old file.) Start Oscar and open your profile. Oscar will rebuild the list of machine changes and it should now be correct.