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I've been using CPAP for several years now, but I'm still struggling with feeling unrested most days. Despite being young, in good physical shape, and having a very low AHI, I haven't received many new insights from the doctors I've consulted regarding how to improve my sleep apnea treatment.
My girlfriend recently pointed out a couple of additional relevant details:
I tend to tuck my chin while sleeping, causing my head and neck to droop forward.
There are periods during sleep when I unconsciously open my mouth, causing the CPAP air to escape.
I would genuinely appreciate any assistance or insights. This community is awesome and I'm grateful for the generosity and advice shared here.
I suggest that you raise your beginning pressure to 7. Most adults feel a little air-starved with your present setting. It would also be good to raise your EPR setting to 3. This will lessen your flow limits which are a little higher than we like to see. You have some leaking but I don't think it's enough to worry about for now if last night was typical.