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[Supposed UARS] No benefit from APAP after 3 weeks, continue to increase pressure?
24M, healthy and active, 160lbs and about 5'11, also have a pretty long and skinny neck.
**Been going on for ~2 years now** Symptoms:
Terrible sleep, waking up multiple times a night and often struggle to fall back asleep.
Jaw Clenching
Neck and Back Pain, both skeletal and muscular. Only really noticeable at night
Home Sleep test (WatchPat) came back with ADI: 0.9, RDI: 9.5 (remRDI : 17.0, NonRemRDI: 7.4)
ENT saw I had an extremely deviated septum blocking around ~80% of my nasal airflow
Got a Septoplasty/Turbinectomy/Nasal Stenosis repair ~2.5 months ago, breathing is 1000% better, but my sleep didn't really seem to improve much at all.
Currently on APAP, starting on 7min 20max, with an EPR of 3. No improvement after a week so I bumped it up to 8, then after another week currently up to 8.4.
Included OSCAR results from last night, First one is from the entire night, second one is a zoom in from just before my first wake up in the middle of the night ~2am.
RE: [Supposed UARS] No benefit from APAP after 3 weeks, continue to increase pressure?
I would not continue to raise pressure.
Your events are mostly central, so increasing pressure may worsen them. I would however try reducing EPR to 1 cm or even disabling it.
If you've only been using PAP treatment for a short while, I would just give it some more time. You may be just experiencing treatment-emergent central apnea. Your data looks fine, but you may be able to reduce your central events a bit more.
10-10-2022, 11:32 AM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2022, 11:34 AM by Gideon.)
RE: [Supposed UARS] No benefit from APAP after 3 weeks, continue to increase pressure?
I wouldn't change a thing setting wise.
You do have a manageable mouth leak, consider taping. This is evidenced both in the leak rate and the zoomed view you provided.
Because of your COPD I would, at least periodically, monitor your O2 levels over night as a precaution.
Gideon - Project Manager Emeritus for OSCAR - Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter
RE: [Supposed UARS] No benefit from APAP after 3 weeks, continue to increase pressure?
(10-10-2022, 11:32 AM)Gideon Wrote: I wouldn't change a thing setting wise.
You do have a manageable mouth leak, consider taping. This is evidenced both in the leak rate and the zoomed view you provided.
Because of your COPD I would, at least periodically, monitor your O2 levels over night as a precaution.
I actually do tape my mouth at night, but only a relatively small piece going vertically down the middle of my lips to hold them closed. I can try using a bigger piece tonight and see if that helps with the leak at all.