I was an AirSense 10 APAP user for about a decade, I just (couple of weeks ago) graduated to an AirCurve 10 ASVAuto due to massive numbers of CA events I was having in the morning hours. I've played around with pressure support values but I seem to have a lot flow limitations and I'm not sure why. Suggestions welcome. The ASV can get pretty aggressive in the morning hours when I usually have lots of CA. I treated CA with supplemental O2 for years and am still using because my spO2 levels can dip down below 88% occassionally. I am concerned the ASV pressure aggressivness may be limiting the O2 concentrator injection (Climate Line Oxy nipple so the injection is at the egress fitting on the AirCurve and not up near the mask).
Please pardon any forum transgressions, I was having trouble with attachements (I'm the slowest kid on the block).