Hello, I hope this is not an annoying request but I a in real need of understanding what is going on with my sleep. About three months ago I started waking up just at the point of sleep. It feels as though I am not taking a breath and it wakes me up. I've read a lof of stuff about sleep onset apnea and I am concerned that is what this is. I had it once before in 2020 and it only lasted a week or so. Both times, then and now, I was under a lot of stress. This time, A LOT of stress. Which spiraled into crippling anxiety, being hyper focused on my breath, fear of going to bed, etc. I work out every day, I can go out and run 5 miles no prob, I sprint up steep hills....so overall I'm not having other health issues. Prior to this my sleep was great. Like laughably great. Right to sleep, although I would wake up a few times in the night to pee. During the day (before this started) I felt rested every day. Now not so much. Sometimes I freak out and can't get over the hump into sleep. After that my sleep is thin and patchy.
Last night I took 2 lorazepam (I know this might not be a great idea) to sleep and wore as pulseox. I have posted my data below.
Looks like I dipped into 93 range in O2 (a couple little blips to 92). My pulse seems to ride along with my O2. You can see that after getting to the point of sleep my o2 drops and wakes me. I finally went to sleep at about 11 and stayed there all night except for a time or two waking to pee.
I snore sometimes but I don't gasp.
I would so appreciate any advice here. I have a sleep study but it isn't until the 25th of this month. Please help me understand if there is anything concerning here. Thank you thank you in advance. The lack of sleep is making me crazy.
Also, I recently visited the dr and my blood work and exam were all normal. He rated me as being in good health.
Also, pulsox fell off after about 4 hours of sleep. I actually got up at 6 and I feel well rested today.