I import the ring data into the PC using Viatom's O2 Insight Pro v1.8.0 software (latest version). I then use OSCAR's Import Viatom/Wellue Data option to retrieve the recently data. Using the earlier example (the original post) I went back and use the )2 software to check the 16th and 17th. I shows only two for the 16th (though the files are amed with the 16th and 17th) and none for the 17th. See in the capture that it reports (in the lower left corner) "The file is corrupt" when I select the 2nd 16th (the one
02:18:33 to ~08:10:00). Something stinks big time. Sounds like the ring is going flakey and their software is getting confused by the data as well.
This doubling up happened on May 2nd as well, however, with the 5-6 minute gap you mentioned. BUT I NEVER sleep 10 hours or otherwise wear it that long. I KNOW I used it two separate nights. So the May3rd O2 data is missing in OSCAR because it was dumped inside the noon to noon window for the 2nd.
I checked the O2 data file names and indeed the date didn't advance as expected.
You can see it in the capture below.
I'll need to get a new ring I guess, because I believe I am outside the warranty. Thanks for helping me figure out it is the ring. Its a shame really because the battery still lasts well and the display works (though dimmer). Maybe I'll butcher it and find a way to strap it on an ankle to measure PLMs (the most common area to be moving).
The reason I have the movement scale for the ring data set so limited is because you can't see what appear to be PLMs otherwise. They are too slight. This capture is taken from the above capture, zoomed in, to see the period of the movements. I find it hard to believe those are artifacts.
My jpgs are 172k but when I upload them to this site it reports them as being over 600k. Anything I can do to make this more efficient for your server space?