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Talentcell battery and Airsense 10?
Talentcell battery and Airsense 10?
I first want to say that I'm so grateful to have found this wonderful forum!  I'm not sure how I missed it before, but it is such an active and friendly community!

I am looking for a way to go camping with my Resmed Airsense 10.  I saw a post (by user jimc77) where a user uses a Talentcell battery for their Resmed S9.  They claim to get two 8 hours nights of sleep off one charge of the battery, and based on other things I've read about this battery, I believe them.

The Talentcell battery is rated 11Ah at 12V, but the Resmed battery chart says that I need 13Ah at 12cmH20 pressure for an 8 hour night of sleep.  However, based on this user's claim about the Talentcell battery, I believe (and hope) that it will still last me a whole hour!  The user who posted about the Talentcell battery used it with a Resmed S9 Elite at 10-16 cm, which the battery chart says should use 7 - 11 Ah.  And if they got two nights out of it, then I can probably get at least one with my machine!?

I've also seen users on here say that Watt hours is a better gauge of performance than Ah... and I've seen other users say the opposite.  I'm hoping that this battery will work for me - it's a very affordable and compact option!

Thank you in advance to any help you can give me in this matter.
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RE: Talentcell battery and Airsense 10?
About those ResMed battery guidelines ... If you read the recommendations, you will find that ResMed says "All battery sizes are based on 8-hour usage and include a 50% safety margin." So it is possible that your results will vary and you will have a longer session. 

Battery performance will vary with age, charge level, ambient temperature, internal temperature, atmospheric pressure, and other factors that make accurate predictions impossible. 

Many of us who have battery backups have a "you pay your money, you take your chances, milage will vary" viewpoint.
"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
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RE: Talentcell battery and Airsense 10?
Thank you!  After reading some reviews on Amazon, I am going to take a shot and try the Talentcell 11Ah battery.  It seems like sometimes this battery doesn't work well with the Resmed Airsense 10, but in that case it seems like running two batteries in parallel will get me 3 nights of sleep reliably (fingers crossed).  Even if I have to buy two of these batteries, it'll be cheaper than a lot of the other options out there.  Thank you for your input!
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