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Machine: Hoffrichter Point 3 Auto Mask Type: Nasal mask Mask Make & Model: BMC N5B Humidifier: Hoffrichter Point 3 CPAP Pressure: 6-12 CPAP Software: OSCAR
I'm self-treating my sleep apnea since I couldn't get an accurate diagnosis where I live.
I've been using CPAP for two weeks now. My apnea is positional, normally I would get an AHI around 7 but when I use a wedge pillow, AHI drops to around 4.
I still wake up feeling tired and sleepy during the day. So I was hoping someone will help me interpret OSCAR data to see if there's any opportunities for improvements or pressure change.
Current pressure is 6 min, 12 max and averages around 10 each night.
I find it a little hard to breath when falling asleep, but maybe it's because I use a nasal mask?
I couldn't get OSCAR to import the data for this month so I'm attaching the images from the last day that was imported imported.
I appreciate if any one has any advice, since I can't seem to get any professional help from doctors or sleep specialists here.
I am not an expert, just long time user. I think that you need to raise your minimum pressure to 9. Try it for a night or two and see how you feel. It should make your inhalation a little easier too.
Machine: Hoffrichter Point 3 Auto Mask Type: Nasal mask Mask Make & Model: BMC N5B Humidifier: Hoffrichter Point 3 CPAP Pressure: 6-12 CPAP Software: OSCAR
Overall it looks pretty good. Nice job getting there on your own.
The early cluster of OA may be positional caused by chin-tucking. If it continues consider a soft cervical collar or chinstrap. As Old Steve suggested increasing min pressure will help.
Give the changes a go and post another chart after a few days.