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Can someone help me interpret this data? I was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea and have been using an APAP for the past two weeks. Have only last night recorded in OSCAR so far. Waking up in the morning is a lot easier but I find I am still very fatigued/sleepy during the day. My prescribed pressure range is 6-16 and I currently use an EPR of 2.
My sleep study results were:
AHI: 28
RDI: 40
Lowest oxygen saturation was 84%
According to my Resmed Airsense 10 I have been having an average AHI of between 1-2 during the course of my treatment. Is this good? Should I aim for below 1 or closer to 0? Not sure whether my data indicates I should stick to my pressure range or to adjust something. Im not sure how long its supposed to take for treatment to resolve my symptoms.
Wouldn't increasing the EPR possibly worsen the centrals? It looks like most of my events happen to be centrals so I was thinking about lowering the EPR or turning it off.
I'm not sure how to add an attachment to my reply.
Yes sometimes increasing EPR does increase centrals, and sometimes just using a CPAP does the same thing, and driving also substantially increases the odds of you being in an auto accident! Do you still drive?
Try the settings and let's see what happens. If Centrals go substantially up we will react to that appropriately.
Gideon - Project Manager Emeritus for OSCAR - Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter