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I recently restarted my therapy in July following a mental breakdown in December.
I have been able to find a comfortable pressure and mask fit (for the most part), but I am noticing a lot of events like the one in the screenshot from OSCAR that I have included below. I have yet to ever see a sleep doc in my ~2.5 years on treatment and I just got a referral to one this morning.
I have an AirSense 11 that hardly flags anything so I need some help understanding what may be happening. Along with the events, I'm noticing that my breathing pattern has the sharp tops pattern that is less than ideal.
Any advice that anyone may have to share would be appreciated.
I keep forgetting to mention I have a V-Com in my setup. It’s been a big help in helping me re-acclimate myself to treatment. I’ll see if I can find a pressure I can tolerate without it and try EPR.