That is the point, unless there are other indicators, cpap is the treatment of choice. If I didn't have large AHI, I would try positional treatments, about chin tucking and foam collars first. URAS is normally called a flow limitation and includes snoring. This video explains it well.
If anything, resmed is saying the for her model algorithm is better tuned for for flow limitation.
CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) Fixed pressure delivered with optional expiratory pressure relief (EPR)
AutoSet for Her/APAP Automatically adjusts pressure in response to flow limitation, snore and obstructive apneas along with an increased sensitivity to each flow-limited breath, providing a more comfortable therapy for women. Increases sensitivity to each flow-limited breath, providing a more comfortable therapy for women
AutoSet/APAP (automatic positive airway pressure) Automatically adjusts pressure in response to flow limitation, snore and
obstructive apneas
VAuto Automatically adjusts pressure in response to flow limitation, snore and obstructive apneas; Pressure Support
(PS) is fixed throughout the night and can be set by the clinician
OSA, non-compliant OSA