For some reason and I am sure it's quite possible, my first test was AHI 29.4 with minimum pressure set at 7 cmh2o and the second test taken a year later was AHI 34.1 with minimum pressure set at 12 cmh2o. My machine was set at12 cmh2o. After awhile through the fine help of this forum, my numbers were great.(mostly <2.00) Then recently for no reason that I could figure out I started to acquire bouts of aerophagia. It started to get severe and lead to intense bloating, severe diaharrea and dehydration. I sent an e-mail to the doctor but as expected, no response.
I know most aerophagia is caused with higher pressure and mouth breathing or mask leaks so I discontinued my nasal mask and now only use either the F20 Airtouch or Airfit mask. I also decided to try my first sleep study's number of 7 cmh2o. I slowly backed down to 7 from 12 over a weeks time. I started to use A-flex and first set it to one and then a few days later to 2 and increased my pressure to 9 to compensate for the flex. I also elevated my headboard 4 inches and things are seemingly improving. My AHI has been mostly <2.00 again for the last 5 days. I've attached todays numbers just in case anyone may have any more suggestions. I still have smaller instances of aerophagia, but they are much improved from where they were and I know they do no harm. I do use a soft cervical collar and it didn't help the aerophagia.