RE: Newly Diagnosed
Hi butterflykisses, welcome to the funny farm errrr forum.
What everyone above has said, I second big time. This is a great place to help and be helped, to learn and teach, and just get things off your mind.
Best Regards,
RE: Newly Diagnosed
Welcome butterflyksses. You are at the same place I was when finding this forum. Between being diagnosed and waiting for titration. I was fortunate and found it very valuable to have a month to read here and learn before my titration study. I went in understanding a lot and knowing the right questions to ask and knowing what machine I wanted. I made sure to let them know I wanted a full data capable machine and I wanted an autoset machine. Even if I was prescribed a single pressure, I knew the autosets could do either a single pressure or automatically adjust pressures. A sleep study is only a one night glimpse and not necessarily what goes on every night. I didn't want to get home with a single pressure CPAP, then have it determined I would do better with an autoset machine and then have to go through all the hoops again of exchanging machines and compliance. You have to learn and be your own advocate.
You are at a good spot while you are waiting for your titration to read and learn all you can. I read every single post in the Success Stories thread. I think there were 30 some pages back in November. Keep asking questions too. You will get a lot of encouragement from all of us who have been through it. There are a lot of very experienced members that have a lot of tips and advice to hand out.
Good luck and keep a positive attitude. That is very important!
RE: Newly Diagnosed
I'm newly diagnosed, too, after two sleep studies. I'm going on my 5th night using a cpap and so far so good. I been feeling pretty good when I wake after using the machine all light. Welcome and good luck.
RE: Newly Diagnosed
(04-29-2014, 07:07 PM)RonWessels Wrote: Another benefit I have found is that, since I _always_ wear my mask while sleeping, my subconscious has been trained so that when I put the mask on, it's sleep time. I often watch TV or do Sudoku puzzles in bed, but once that mask goes on, within minutes I'm out like a light.
^^^^^^ This is me as well. I do not put on my mask until I am in bed and under the covers, the last thing before closing my eyes. So, usually, I am out like a light switch was flipped (according to my lovely wife).
Then I have nights like now - some 3 hours after going to sleep like a light being turned off, pain drove me out of bed so here I am answering posts in the dark. My dream machine is great, but doesn't fix every issue.
*I* am not a DOCTOR or any type of Health Care Professional. My thoughts/suggestions/ideas are strictly only my opinions.
"Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you. Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. One died for your Soul, the other for your Freedom."
RE: Newly Diagnosed
Thank you all so much. I actually am looking forward to the machine and some rest.
Imasurvivor, I will definitely go read through the success stories. Just curious, do the insurance companies disallow or prefer certain types of machines? I know when I talked to them, they said 80% is covered of the allowable amount and it's normally a 13 month agreement.
RE: Newly Diagnosed
hi butterfly and welcome
i am another upstate there are a number of us....(:
my insurance company told me the make and model of the machine does not matter... it is only a code which is submitted to them...
i believe only the dme cares what kind of machine you get because the "smart" ones cut into their profit margin...
RE: Newly Diagnosed
(04-30-2014, 07:04 AM)butterflyksses Wrote: Thank you all so much. I actually am looking forward to the machine and some rest.
Imasurvivor, I will definitely go read through the success stories. Just curious, do the insurance companies disallow or prefer certain types of machines? I know when I talked to them, they said 80% is covered of the allowable amount and it's normally a 13 month agreement.
Yep, thats how it worked for me. I never got the second sleep study, I couldn't afford it. Luckily my doctor worked with me, and prescribed an Auto machine. Having studied the comments here, and the fact that my lab used Respironics for their machines, I had my mind set on the System One Auto. I really had to talk the supplier into it, as they wanted to give me the S9 Escape Auto. I learned from this board that machine gives no data, and I want myself and my doctor to have all we can get.
I find the people here lean more toward the S9 Autoset, but I'm happy with the System One Auto. Both machines get the job done well. There is also machines made by F&P, and Devilbliss, but you don't see those 2 very much.
And Welcome to the forums, I've actually been here since my wife was diagnosed, 8 months ago. I hid, until I was talked in to seeing the doctor, was diagnosed, and had my first sleep study which confirmed sleep apnea. That was when I came out of the shadows and officially joined the board, 2 weeks ago. Good group here, you'll like it.
RE: Newly Diagnosed
Hi bytterflyksses,
Others on this forum have said CPAP and AutoSets are listed under the same line item for insurance coverage. Some machines that treat more complex sleep apnea may be different, I am not sure of those machines. I was told during my titration that AutoSets are more expensive and not prescribed if the pressure needs are not high enough. At the time I did not know they were listed the same as far as insurance is concerned or I would have mentioned that point. I made it clear at the onset what my desire was for a machine. When I got my machine the next morning, I was told by the therapist that I had the AutoSet and just made it in. My prescription is 10 and I was told 9 is the cut off. I don't know if that is true everywhere. I think I have seen other members on this forum with lower pressures that have the AutoSet machine.
You want to make sure you get a machine that provides full data. Some machines only provide hours of usage to report compliance but you don't get any further information on how you are doing each night with AHI, leaks, etc. Many on the forum that have full data capable machines, remove the SD card and and import the data into free software to get more extensive information on each night's sleep.
(04-30-2014, 07:04 AM)butterflyksses Wrote: Thank you all so much. I actually am looking forward to the machine and some rest.
Imasurvivor, I will definitely go read through the success stories. Just curious, do the insurance companies disallow or prefer certain types of machines? I know when I talked to them, they said 80% is covered of the allowable amount and it's normally a 13 month agreement.