I had been told by a number of partners I snore but felt there is not so much I could do about it. Around 6 years ago I moved from the UK to Singapore after marrying my wife. Unfortunately, I then proceeded to put on a bit of weight mainly due to the terrible diet. Whilst she and the children easily burn it off, I am at the point where it goes on and sticks. Around 5 years ago I stopped smoking. I found I was getting quite severe headaches behind my left eye now and then though, especially in the mornings if I slept in late or after a series of late nights. Around 4 years ago I saw the photos from a trip back to see the family and went all out to do something about it....
Over around 2 years I managed to get to the gym and loose around 10kg (a few ups and downs along the way). I went from 105kg to 95kg and also bulked up a little. I had always been very slim with a 34" waist but hit 42" at 105kg (I am around 6ft). The headaches were also pretty rare and I put it down to a reaction with something in the fast food I was no longer eating. Back in 2011 with the arrival of our third boy I found that I had no time for the gym and the weight started to pile on again. The diet went out the door and the old ways returned.
I also lost interest in the work I was doing, my memory seemed to be very poor, concentration suffered and I was much more challenging. The headaches were back worse than ever and would occur usually with a warning around 9am and go full blown at 11am not going away until 8pm. Nothing I found worked on the headaches including sleeping. After a number of visits to the doctor I was referred to a sleep specialist and they took a peak flow test which was reasonable (around 95% of expected) and blood pressure which was borderline high. The cost for the consultation was pretty high and not covered by the medical insurance and due to the strain on the budget, I did not return. I also started my own internet based company as well as my regular work and this swallowed up even more time.
It got to the point where I was just no good to anyone and just could not stand it. Strangely I did have one day of bliss. I have no idea why but on one day I was bouncing all over the office. I had so much energy and ideas were just popping in to my head from all over the place just like they used to. Unfortunately it was just a one of and the next day I was back to the same old same old.....
I ended up visiting my family back in the UK with the kids and we managed to arrange a sleep study. It confirmed that I had moderate sleep apnea (occurring around every 15 minutes). My time in the UK was very limited and I arranged a CPAP machine and both a nose and full face mask. The technician went over the machine and masks and even showed me how to get in to the setup menu to adjust pressure. Unfortunately as I was returning to Singapore a day or so later there was not time to check progress, mask fitting or therapy effectiveness but I was happy to see the machine records data on a SD card.
I returned to Singapore and used the machine every night. I found the full face mask would leak quite badly, usually straight in to my eye. The nose mask seemed to be much better and as far as I was aware I slept with my mouth closed (apart from the first time where I woke up dribbling quite impressively :grin.
Since using the nose mask, it has taken things from 'going insane' tired to ‘can function but still no concentration / short term memory' tired. I am finding I tend to suffer headaches once a week, usually on Saturday. Sunday seems to reset and the fatigue builds up over the working week until it snaps with a headache the following Saturday. The headache is pretty much disabling. Any thought or concentration and it intensifies and it is strongly affected by stress (pressure at work, screaming kids etc).
I have now got a new referral to the same respiratory specialist but on calling they seemed confused about the Philips CPAP machines and if they can read the data. This I am taking as a bad sign, especially as I have had headaches 3 days running (not quite as severe as usual) and am on a pretty bad low.
I am glad I managed to find this site as I found the official Philips software is not readily available and so had no way of viewing the data the machine has been capturing. Now, hopefully Sleepyhead will enable me to at least partially manage the therapy and make adjustments. Now my youngest is 1 1/2 I can also try to find some more time to get to the gym which has just opened a branch just across the road from me. On the down side, they seem to have forgotten my 6 months free I was given when signing up so I will have to argue a bit in order to use it but I do have the signed contract.
Right, there we go, thanks for reading and maybe some others will recognise the syntoms I had and go get checked out.
My hope is to get the therapy working well and get a boost, use that to get down the guy which will give even more of a boost and use that to improve my weight and day to day life to the point where the excess weight is gone and I may not have to use the CPAP machine anymore.
Oh and on a plus side, my wife says I don't snore when using the CPAP machine .