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I found an old (yes, very old I know) Remstar Pro2 machine at a thrift shop for $5 (!). I've gone over it, giving it a thorough cleaning.
It only has roughly 2500 hours on the blower. Now I know that this machine can't touch the quality and improvements of my Resmed
Airsense 10, but I'm still flabbergasted that my provider DOES NOT provide a back up machine when mine's in for service. The last
time something happened, I was going to be a month without a machine. I suffer from sever apnea (47 incidents per hour) and I cannot
live without a machine. Again, amazing that my provider takes my money but doesn't offer a back up (heck, car dealerships do!).
All this to say, I'd keep this machine purely AS A BACKUP. It is not a recalled model, the fan theoretically has lots of life left, and I can
still find filters for it. I've programmed it and it seems to work fine. Any thoughts on this model,
reliability, etc? Clearly it's no where near as refined as modern models, but it seems to do the job.
I haven't used that machine, but it was well-regarded with a reputation for being unusually robust and long-lived. $5 is a great deal for a backup machine if it works well for you.
It's a robust and well built CPAP machine and it is not a subject to the Philips recall, because it's built with a different type of foam. My wife uses one and she loves it. The only drawback is that you probably will not find the software and the card reader to get sleep data out of it. But if you don't care, it will be a perfect spare machine to rely on.
my first machine was one (2) of those old remstar models. they worked flawlessly. they never really died, i just upgraded to a system one after some time to get data readings for oscar (sleepyhead).
i haven't had insurance cover anything CPAP related for years. i get machines with very low hours locally on cl. you absolutely need a backup. and this one will work in that capacity.
that doesn't look exactly like the ones i had. there were a few different models. the ones i had could do the C Flex setting. does yours?
Mine has the C-Flex setting. I've already programmed it, the lack of data isn't an issue. I have a Airsense 10, my goal is to replace
the blower at the end of it's life as the machine is in overall great shape- I take good care of it!