My respiration rate has dropped kind of constantly over these 6 months, it started around 14.5 average and now is only 13.5.
My tidal volume was averaging around 460 and then for some reason it dropped on Feb 28th and has been slowly falling since then and now averages around 380 which is 4.5 ml/kg.
This combination of decreasing RR and TV has lead to a decrease in minute ventilation from what was originally around 6.75 down to around 5.
I have started to leak out mouth a bit more the last little bit and thought maybe the numbers were just being influenced by leak as I have noticed TV and MV are almost always lower than reality if leaks are present but when looking at charts it doesn't seem leaks are that much higher than some other periods when TV and MV were higher.
Only two things have changed during this time. 1) I flew back from a vacation in Florida on Feb 27th, the exact time my tidal volume dropped overnight. Not sure why that would have had an effect but I did notice some difference in my breathing and nasal congestion due to change in temperature/humidity (much dryer here), what I don't get is why it wouldn't have adjusted back if that was the cause. 2) I have been dieting and treating digestive problems during this time so that might be one of the reasons for decline as I get a bit healthier, I don't believe it is that significant of a weight change though(came down to 185 from around 205).
Anyways I am curious if anyone has seen stuff similar to this and has any thoughts on the matter. I have been dealing with a sleep doctor trying to get a sleep study when this covid issue blows over and they can start doing them again, I am going to bring this to her attention and see what she says.