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12-07-2021, 11:59 AM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2021, 12:06 PM by gwatuk.)
RE: Vibratory snore index of 242 !!!
(12-04-2021, 09:01 AM)sawinglogz Wrote: It may be a fault, but I’ve seen this happen when the air inlet was constricted.
Try using just the reusable filter (no disposable ultra-fine filter) for a night or two and see what it shows.
Great advice sawinglogz - this worked!
I replaced both filters and the problem's been resolved.
I've been doing some DIY (installing a wardrobe) which may be the source of dust clogging the filters.
Interestingly there was a rhythmic pattern of events.
There were two event cycles going on.
VS events every 1min 5secs and also VS2 events exactly every 2mins.
See attached graphs.
I can't understand how these patterns could be generated by something physical.
Perhaps it's a software problem with some kind of overflow occurring due to the sheer volume of the events.
But the machine is now behaving normally which is excellent - Thank you.
RE: Vibratory snore index of 242! How does Philips Calculate VS and VS2?
From a physical sense the extra restriction would affect the pressure sensor readings and I guess confuses the machine. The rhythm side of things doesn't make a lot of sense though, only thing I can really think of is that the conditions were making the machine think that every breath was vibratory snore and that the time in between each reported snore is related to calculation/programming limitation but that seems like a long shot.
Neat to hear that changing the filters fixed it. Will have to keep that in mind for other PR users with numerous snore flags.
Machine: REMstar System One with Autoflex Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Quattro AirFit F10 Humidifier: yes typical setting = 1 CPAP Pressure: 10.5-14.5 APAP with AFlex x1 CPAP Software: SleepyHead
RE: Vibratory snore index of 242! How does Philips Calculate VS and VS2?
yeah, strange. we should remember to be on a routine to replace or clean filters. I use a very fine filter, so it clogs up right regularly and we have a clean home. no DIY projects inside, and certainly not in the bedroom.
Usually I get triggered to check my filter when my 8 yr old machine starts being too noisy.