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09-14-2024, 08:02 AM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2024, 08:03 AM by G. Szabo.)
RE: Waking times - what are your thoughts?
Your waking up is probably associated with the sudden pressure increases during flow limitation periods.
I suggest the following settings: pressure min/max =11/15
EPR=3, full time
Ramp off
Looking at your most recent graph, in my opinion, the only way you will know if it is leaks or flow limitations is by elimination.
I would suggest that the safest way is you start with leaking, thus avoiding settings changes at this stage,
Once leaks are controlled and eliminated, then a much clearer picture should arise, so as to focus on the settings eventually needed.
I have posted some comments on the "Need some help reading and fine tuning therapy" thread in response to a question posted by Seepak, that partially relate to this current thread.