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Machine: Resmed AirSense 10 For Her Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: Resmed AirFit P30i Humidifier: Resmed AirSense 10 For Her CPAP Pressure: 7-10.4 CPAP Software: OSCAR
(02-23-2022, 05:36 PM)Geer1 Wrote: You don't have obvious flow limitations but one thing I did notice is how your respiration rate slowly climbs at multiple points in the night and exhalation time declines as the night goes on. Makes me wonder if reducing the exhalation effort might help, I would try raising EPR to 3.
I would also be interested in seeing another 8-10 minute view during normal breathing, starting at say 00:45.
Here is a zoomed in view of the time you suggested.
I'll try raising EPR to 3 tonight and see if that helps.
That zoom is 21 minutes (duration can be seen in flow rate chart) so I can't see the breath detail. They do look fairly uniform so might as well zoom even further say 4 minute duration 00:46 to 00:50.
Machine: Resmed AirSense 10 For Her Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: Resmed AirFit P30i Humidifier: Resmed AirSense 10 For Her CPAP Pressure: 7-10.4 CPAP Software: OSCAR
(02-23-2022, 06:54 PM)Geer1 Wrote: That zoom is 21 minutes (duration can be seen in flow rate chart) so I can't see the breath detail. They do look fairly uniform so might as well zoom even further say 4 minute duration 00:46 to 00:50.
Sorry about that. Here's a better view, 00:46 to 00:50.
That is good. Those breaths show some flow limitation so it could be effort related.
Along with changing EPR to 3 I would also increase min pressure to 8. Although this seems like two changes it is actually only one since the important pressure is EPAP which is set pressure - EPR.