eviltim, does that mean you had the rash problem? I was thinking it was because I used an "organic" dish soap, meaning it had all kinds of plant oils and/or extracts in it, and that being on my face for 11 hours caused the rash. But if you had the rash without it, that might explain too...
I ask because I simply cannot tolerate the nasal mask. I just spent 5 nights on the Swift Nano. From what I can tell, I cannot make the seal in the back of my mouth hold once I fall asleep, so that air from the mask flows into and out of my mouth. Even with a chin strap, I wake up blowing spit out of my mouth, or worse, with my mouth wide open like a chimney, so that it seems none of the Pressurized Air is getting down my airway. I was told my events are at the bottom of my throat, so perhaps that means that my airway has closed and thus the air coming straight out of my mouth at high pressure means that I have had an event. In which case, the nasal mask alone isn't working. This really SUCKS.
I can fall asleep much more comfortably on the nasal mask, but I cannot stay asleep. With the FFM, the problem is falling asleep in the first place more often than not. Plus, since I am an open-mouthed sleeper, I drool and often wake up with the inside of my FFM wet and my cheeks sopping wet around the insides of the mask. This is a terrible sensation.
Today I asked my doc for a referral to get another oral appliance made. I really want to adjust to CPAP but I need to have a good backup. My new strategy will be, if I wake up more than three times in the first hour of using CPAP, I will scrap it for the night and move to the oral appliance. I will then resume trying the CPAP the next night.
I just don't know how most of you got used to this. It is horrendous. I am so frustrated.
I am back to trying Full Face Masks, but am afraid that the Air is the most comfortable... so what will I be left with? I never got used to my old Quatro Mirage after 18 months. That's the reason I left CPAP for an OA in the first place, 4 years ago. I know the CPAP is better for me, but I freaking hate it! But I also don't want to die before my time, so I feel forced by this damned diagnosis to keep trying it!
Getting my new FFM tomorrow morning at 8am. We'll see.
Also I'm asking for a Didgeridoo for Xmas because supposedly learning to play it can help reduce OSA.
(12-08-2013, 04:08 AM)eviltim Wrote: Frustrated, I had a similar problem with the quattro air unfortunately. Unfortunately, I was unable to resolve it but (fortunately) managed to tolerate the nasal mask and found it to be more comfortable anyway.