pain in my lungs
As I mentioned before, I have found out that I could help minmize the hypnic jerks in my throat "laryngospasm?" as recommended here on the forum by setting up my trigger to very high and cycle to high, PS to 4, min Ti 0.5 and max Ti 1.8, and with experimenting min IPAP to 7.6 for almost a week with same numbers.
I am waking up still but feel little more refreshed than before.
the issue is I started to expirement "soreness" in my lungs by the end of the night, it feels like when you have slept on one side for too long, but it's in my lungs!
front and back of my chest, so i keep changing positions which from right side to left side and vice versa, till i can't take it anymore and remove the mask.
I'm not sure if this is because of the cycle? the high PS ?
Also do you see a way to improve these graphs to minimize the awekenings?
thanks and happy new year!
RE: pain in my lungs
It's a comfort issue, so try reducing PS and see if htat helps. Results were not bad at PS 2 other than whatever that custom user flag is.
RE: pain in my lungs
Sounds odd to me. I would go back to previously comfortable settings and see if the discomfort/pain is still present. If it is I would ask doctor to look into it in the off chance it is related to recent illness.
If the discomfort goes away when switching settings back then adjust the settings one at a time to figure out which one is causing the discomfort. The higher PS forces your lungs to expand more and the trigger and cycle settings could be out of sync with your spontaneous breathing. I imagine either could cause discomfort although I personally haven't seen anything described as painful before.
The one thing I do note from the examples posted are small leaks ending in arousal. These leaks may be disturbing your sleep quality.