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sleepingbetterinFl - Therapy Thread
RE: Nasal irrigation
I use Neilmed bottle and saline packets. Works like a charm. I tried a neti pot, but always felt like I was drowning.
My pulmonologist and ENT both told me to use a nose irrigator.
Caution: There have been cases of brain infections from using non-sterile water in a nose irrigator. Every MD I have who has a relationship to noses and lungs double checks every time to make sure I’m not using regular tap water in it. The directive is to use distilled or boiled water. I keep a glass jug near the kettle, and every time I make tea, I pour leftover boiled water in the jug. When it's cool, it can be used in the irrigator (I microwave it an exact number of seconds, not too hot, not too cold).

I believe the number of reported fatalities is now 4. HERE’s an article a few years’ old.

I also use Simply Saline whenever and love the feel of it. There’s also a eucalyptus version, that scours me out for a bit. I’m fearful of using Ayr, because it has so many ingredients. Odds are, I ‘d be allergic to or get irritated by at least one of them.

I’ ve found many companies sell a little packet of powder for use in irrigators. They must have different formulae, because I clearly like one over the others. In other words,you might have to try a few different ones to get one you like.
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RE: Nasal irrigation
Thank you so much for the kind and thoughtful reply. I have ordered the neilmed system . I hope it works .  Died it help to relieve stuffy noses ? I have congestion issue due to air from CPAP drying up my nose in spite of using humidification. I have tried nasal congestion sprays but heard they are addictive.
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RE: Nasal irrigation
I'm for the present not using a CPAP (they're re-assessing), but I used to... I did have the issue with my breathing portals getting dried out, so I can empathize.

The Neilmed cleans out my gunk. If I get more gunk later, I simply do it again. I would do it before bed if I needed to. I can use Simply Saline or Simply Saline eucalyptus in the middle of the night at a bathroom break. I also keep Simply Saline in my car. (IME Simply Saline is a light years' advance on those little plastic bottles of saline solution).
When I first started using NeilMed, though my nostrils felt cleared, I could have sworn it wasn't removing mucus or anything much because just clear water seemed to come out into the sink. Then my sink got clogged, I pulled the drain plug out to investigate, and lol..... Glop, glop, glop, nostril glop.

FWIW if you have a deviated septum, I can confirm that you can't assume you can shoot water in one nostril and have it come out the other nostril. However, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with shooting in the water in spurts and having it come out the same nostril. Still works.
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RE: Erasing data on machine
Take the SD out of the cpap before you erase the data in the cpap, then replace the SD card. All of the original data will still be on the SD card.
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RE: Erasing data on machine
Thank you - that worked
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nasal decongestants helpful with stuffy nose?
I wake up in middle of night and have used periodically nasal decongestants.  Are they helpful and if used moderately, can they help instead of getting surgery?
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RE: nasal decongestants helpful with stuffy nose?
I like using two over-the counter sprays......  Afrin and Astepro.  Keeps my nose open all night.
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cleaning CPAP tube
In spite of using CPAP for over  a year,  I am still confused about cleaning the hose/tube.   I pour warm water with mild unscented soap into hose and swish it around then soak for 25 minutes.   I always seem to get water drops left inside hose even though I hang on shower for several hours .  I experience rain out when I try to use it the same night or the next night.  Anyone have better solution for cleaning and drying the hose/tubing?   Is it even necessary to clean the inside of the tubing?
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RE: cleaning CPAP tube
I am not one for cleaning my tubing as I use a 10 footer and it is routed up over my headboard so it is a pain to remove. I do replace it when I start seeing wear or stretch on the ends. I do have a hose cover. I do clean it every so often, but simply hang it over the shower head.

The method you use works for most people. My wife cleans out her hose in the same manner and hangs it in the bathroom to dry. We have a flower hook in the ceiling so she can hang the tube straight down. Hers does dry in several hours.

You didn't mention your humidity settings, but you may try reducing it for the first couple of nights to see if that helps.

Another option might be is to put a lint free cloth on the end of a weighted string which is long enough to run through the entire tube and pull the cloth through the tube. This is an extension of the system that is used for cleaning flutes and clarinets. Granted it is a long shot, but it is an option.


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RE: cleaning CPAP tube
I use distilled water in the evaporator and often replace the instrument's air filter. No cleaning is needed. We need to replace the tube periodically anyway.
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