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wickedsleepy - Sleep Therapy Analysis
RE: Struggling - Nasal Pillow or Hybrid FFM
"The mask I switch to after a handful of horrible nights with the P10 is the F30"

I have a question for you, if you wouldn't mind. I'm trying to switch from the F20 to the Brevida. I wore the Brevida last night (I think I'm going to have to easy into it), and one thing

i noticed as I was trying to fall alsleep was this odd sensation of "cold" air coming into my nose. I actually turned the humidity down and then I was able to fall asleep. Humidifier was set at the same settings I typically use for the FFM.

Is this something you've noticed too? Like, with the F20 the air doesn't feel "cold" with a tube temp of 81F and Humidity of 5.

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Waking up from Rapid Breathing, using Full Face Mask
Hi everyone,

I've been attempting to get used to the hybrid FFM I have, which is the Airfit F30.  Sometimes I just get tired of the whole rigmarole with strapping my head with a cumbersome chinstrap/cap, taping my mouth, and putting on my nasal mask or nasal pillow mask.  The F30 is more just wear and go, for the most part.  I am waiting to be fitted with something that I hope is a little better because I'm having some issues with it, but this one weird thing has happened almost every night this week.

What happens is that I wake up breathing very rapidly and shallowly.  Like out/in, out/in, out/in taking about 1 second each.  My heart feels like it is racing, and I wake up.  Every time I remember waking from this, I am sleeping on my side, so maybe that has something to do with it? Has anyone else experienced this?

I don't know if its just because I don't breathe as well on my sides, maybe?  Or maybe the exhaust vent on the front of the mask (hose attaches to front of my face) is being obstructed somehow?  Anyone else deal with this?  Anyone have any idea why this happens?  I've never experienced it with the nasal or nasal pillow mask with mouth taped, just this FFM.

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RE: Waking up from Rapid Breathing, using Full Face Mask
Could you post an OSCAR chart of a night when it happens and a night of using pillows? Having a comparison would help.

I use an F30 with cervical collar these days and sleep more on my stomach than side but have not yet woken and found the vents occluded. Anything is possible of course, just not yet...
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RE: Waking up from Rapid Breathing, using Full Face Mask
I don't currently have access to a computer where I can install OSCAR.  I have my work machine, but the company doesn't allow personal software on it.  So, I've not been able to go down that route, but I might to try to see if I can borrow someone's.

Last night, I used the F30 FFM and tried to stay flat on my back the whole night.  It was miserable.  My jaw fully opened and it was like ramming high-pressured warm, moist air down my throat.  I'm using autoset pressure, and it topped out the machine at 20.  I had to ratchet the mask on extra tight because it kept "farting" from the high pressure causing leaks.  Pretty rough night.  I switched to nasal mask with mouth tape at around 4am.  I'm exhausted, my lungs are tired, and my back hurts.  I swear, though this "cures" the apnea, it's almost as sleepless and horrible as the apnea itself.  But for the few moments I did sleep, I didn't have the rapid breathing issue while on my back. So maybe it's somehow positional. No idea.  

I'm still curious to know if anyone else has had this happen to them with FFM and sleeping on side?
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RE: Waking up from Rapid Breathing, using Full Face Mask
I haven't had that exact experience, but every time I try a full face mask without taping, it's a disastrous night.  Little sleep; horrible dry mouth, every event imaginable flagged on my OSCAR chart.  I often long for a strap-n-go simple solution - no tape; but two years into this and lots of money spent on masks, I haven't found that solution.  If I use tape, I'll have a pretty good night.  With my nasal mask, I'll sleep well and have an AHI<1.  With a FFM I'll sleep okay and have an AHI<2.  I understand your plight. I wish it wasn't so.
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RE: Waking up from Rapid Breathing, using Full Face Mask
Without seeing actual data the best we can do is guess. Many of us use the same mask and machine with no issues, so we just need to find the right setup for you. 

The best I can offer is set your min to 7, max to 20, EPR to 3. Report back after using that for a few days.

Watch some YouTube videos on properly setting up an F30 mask. That may help.
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RE: Waking up from Rapid Breathing, using Full Face Mask
You described something similar to mine yrs ago when I was first adjusting to cpap. My problem was when I put on my mask and took my first few breaths I found myself laying there and concentrating on each breath and shortly I worked myself into hyperventilating, all because I was subconsciously trying to keep pace with the machine and breathing.

I needed to be distracted so I could naturally breathe and let the machine do it job and drift off to sleep. I stumbled on audiobooks I downloaded from my library for free. Now since I have adjusted and cpap is just part of me , I have never experienced that hyperventilation again.
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RE: Waking up from Rapid Breathing, using Full Face Mask
thanks, cdplatt

It's definitely a daily battle!  I went back to nasal mask last night and used tape, but somehow I had some leaks with the tape, and I have been like agitated, grumpy, and having difficulty concentrating all day long.  I hate how fragile it is.  I really wish I could just sleep like normal without all of these things having to be just right.
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RE: Waking up from Rapid Breathing, using Full Face Mask
Thanks, PeaceLoveAndPizza

I gotta figure out a way to get OCSAR rolling, for sure.  My pressure is set with 9.4min and 20max.  I learned pretty early on that using EPR at all results in more central apneas, so I have EPR completely off.  My doc put in an order for the home care place to get me a different FFM to try, so hopefully I can get a hold of them and get something else going.

To NightyNite, 
thanks for your reply.  I definitely remember those first few weeks and how hard it was to not focus on breathing.  With this, I'm already deeply asleep and wake up to this happening.  It's pretty bizarre and not comfortable at all.
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RE: Waking up from Rapid Breathing, using Full Face Mask

Someone on a hearing aid forum suggested I should buy a used computer to do what I want with my hearing aid setup. I hadn't thought of that!

Someone else there is an IT specialist. But they are using an inexpensive tablet to post. I don't know if that is possible.

Trying to help....
compliant for 35 years /// Still trying!

I'm just a cpap user like you. I don't give medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician before seeking treatment for medical conditions including sleep apnea. Sleep-well


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