RE: Abdulfakih - Therapy Thread
Good morning happy new year to everyone.
I havent been able to use CPAP since we last spoke. Results have been mixed...
I bought a soft cervical collar from amazon and I am waiting for it to arrive, but I want to get rid of this disease one and for all. Can someone please tell me what surgery should I consider to solve my apnea? I dont want to live like this anymore, I am so fed up. I look so tired its not even funny anymore. From the video of my DISE, what is the conclusion? what surgery do i need to do to solve this issue. CPAP isnt working for me, i sleep worse and I am desperate.
RE: Abdulfakih - Therapy Thread
RE: Abdulfakih - Therapy Thread
I'm sorry, I'm not qualified to interpret your DICE or recommend a specific surgery. Less is more as far as I'm concerned. Poor results, disability and unintended side-effects seem much more common that a resolution of sleep breathing issues.
RE: Abdulfakih - Therapy Thread
(01-16-2025, 08:48 AM)Sleeprider Wrote: I'm sorry, I'm not qualified to interpret your DICE or recommend a specific surgery. Less is more as far as I'm concerned. Poor results, disability and unintended side-effects seem much more common that a resolution of sleep breathing issues.
What else is there for me to try
. I am currently waiting for the soft cervical collar
RE: Abdulfakih - Therapy Thread
In your post above, you indicated you had stopped using the therapy and asked for help in seeking surgery. Not my lane. You were getting pretty good results with ASV and working out the events during sleep transition is just going to be a process of trying alternatives available to you. I think stopping all therapy, even though it's not perfect, and choosing to live with untreated apnea may not be your best choice. It's making you grumpy.
RE: Abdulfakih - Therapy Thread
(01-16-2025, 09:24 AM)Sleeprider Wrote: In your post above, you indicated you had stopped using the therapy and asked for help in seeking surgery. Not my lane. You were getting pretty good results with ASV and working out the events during sleep transition is just going to be a process of trying alternatives available to you. I think stopping all therapy, even though it's not perfect, and choosing to live with untreated apnea may not be your best choice. It's making you grumpy.
You are 100% right, i feel grumpier
. I will resume again the theraphy once I get the soft cervical collar. Can we try some settings that are not as hard for me to get used to? With the soft cervical collar I should be able to use the nasal mask since my mouth should be closed right?
RE: Abdulfakih - Therapy Thread
Of course. Let's review what settings you currently use.
RE: Abdulfakih - Therapy Thread
(01-16-2025, 10:05 AM)Sleeprider Wrote: Of course. Let's review what settings you currently use.
I dont remember much besides the fact that the pressure was so unconfortable at some point that I stayed legit 1 hour in bed without being able to sleep, so I took the mask off. Now I dont remember the specifics of the last time I actually used CPAP, but here is the link
All we know so far is that the current settings were too unconfortable for me, because the pressure is either too strong or too slow that ends up suffocating me. And I also noticed I dont have a stable periodic breathing.
RE: Abdulfakih - Therapy Thread
I am not qualified to interpret your DISE either or recommend any surgery. If you follow Sleeprider's suggestions, you will get the best possible therapy set up with your current machine.
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RE: Abdulfakih - Therapy Thread
(01-16-2025, 12:43 PM)Jay51 Wrote: I am not qualified to interpret your DISE either or recommend any surgery. If you follow Sleeprider's suggestions, you will get the best possible therapy set up with your current machine.
I will do