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AirFit™ N20 Nasal CPAP Mask [based Frankenmask]
AirFit™ N20 Nasal CPAP Mask [based Frankenmask]
I've decided to make my own Frankenmask by combining the pieces I like from 2 separate designs.  I'm using an Airfit N20 medium cushion with its Airfit N20 lightweight short hose, fitted into a Wisp fabric frame and using a Wisp headgear.  I'll route the short hose up top through the loop on the Wisp headgear.  I think this might make a comfortable, lightweight, quiet and leak free mask for me.
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RE: [split] AirFit™ N20 Nasal CPAP Mask [based Frankenmask]
Re: Wisp, Airfit N20, and Dreamwear nasal masks.......

I've been using the Wisp mask and like it, but one quibble is the cushion sizing - the S/M encroaches slightly with a bit of an edge at the side of my nose, while the L, although it also works, is a bit large and unnecessarily plastered over my upper lip.  The short hose works fine, but although not a real problem, I think it's unnecessarily heavy.  The headgear clips are just okay. But an initial bit of inconvenience is much less important than hours of comfort and a good seal - so that one can sleep well and remain that way through the night.
I had tried the Airfit N20 a while ago and liked the cushion slightly better than the Wisp's, but returned the mask because the (admittedly handy) magnetic clips could be uncomfortable against my cheek while side sleeping, I thought the frame was less comfortable than the Wisp's, and the headgear seemed clunky and didn't have much, if any, stretch.
But recently I wondered if I could cobble together a hybrid of the two masks with the best features of each.  I bought a medium N20 cushion and an N20 short hose on eBay for $19 each and found that - luckily - even without a frame the short hose will press-fit nicely into the front of the cushion.  I used some 'Goop' marine type adhesive to secure it there, let that cure, then slipped this cushion/frame assembly through the front opening in my Wisp frame where, when the mask is on my face, it tends to stay securely without any other attachments or adhesives.  I had first glued the short hose to the cushion in the 'up' position and routed the hose through the loop at the top of the Wisp headgear.  This worked okay, but tugging of the hose through the loop during the night tended to eventually take the slack out of the short hose and try to pull the cushion away from under the nose a bit, and the air from the exhalation vent seemed to be partially diverted around the short hose that was curved out in front of it, and somewhat back to the face as well.  So I removed and re-glued the hose to the cushion in the normal, downward-hanging position and didn't use the top loop routing, the way I'd found most comfortable with the Wisp setup too. (The nice thing about this type of glue is that it's extremely tacky but with some effort can be pulled away and re-done without breaking things).  With the extremely lightweight N20 short hose, I don't find that lack of swiveling at the cushion is a problem. 

So now, with my existing Wisp fabric frame and headgear, I have both the Wisp and the N20 setups - the N20 cushion and hose can as easily be removed for cleaning as the Wisp's.

And, since I added extra straps to the side tubes of the Dreamwear nasal mask, it keeps its seal through the night and works well too. 

I use a wide elastic chinstrap with all of the masks - it's comfortable and provides an extra touch of security to the setup.

This forum has been a great help to me and I hope this may be of some help too.  Let me know what you think.
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RE: [split] AirFit™ N20 Nasal CPAP Mask [based Frankenmask]
I don't know anything about these masks so I can't comment except that I love the innovation. we do what we have to and if it works for you, I'm impressed.
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RE: [split] AirFit™ N20 Nasal CPAP Mask [based Frankenmask]
Thanks.  And now that problem is solved, I'm going to try putting a Swift fx nano cushion on my old Swift headgear again, but this time I'll add a second 2-piece velcro headstrap at cheek level to better keep the cushion in place and fix the leakage problem - like I did with the Dreamwear mask.
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RE: [split] AirFit™ N20 Nasal CPAP Mask [based Frankenmask]
Update on the Swift fx nano modification attempt:  No go.  Even with the extra set of straps at various positions, angles and tensions, the cushion will not maintain its seal on my face, the vent insists on sending irritating streams at my face and hands, and the short hose twists and contorts instead of behaving itself .  I'm glad I gave it a thorough try, but neither the nasal pillow or the nano version of this mask work with my face and beard.  Hope you have better luck with it.
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RE: [split] AirFit™ N20 Nasal CPAP Mask [based Frankenmask]
I'm impressed you tried!
I haven't found the perfect mask yet.

I had 3 or so Wisp masks. Great--until I got a sore at the base of my nose (that my doc/surgeon wants to cut away now)

I've had about 2? of the N20's. I tried a F20 but it leaked like a sieve. The N20 numbers are good. AHI = 0.0 today! But my sore is still there...

I added a second strap to my Dreamwears when I wore then. I had several of that mask too. Maybe the sore is worse due to the dreamwear...I took the removable strap from the back of my first Dreamwear, and added it to my second Dreamwear. That made the mask sit better. I had fewer leaks that blew air at my left eye....

Being compliant isn't easy. But it's worth it.

I admire your creativity and hope you find a solution that works. When you do please share.
compliant for 35 years /// Still trying!

I'm just a cpap user like you. I don't give medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician before seeking treatment for medical conditions including sleep apnea. Sleep-well


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RE: [split] AirFit™ N20 Nasal CPAP Mask [based Frankenmask]
Thanks Dave.  And congrats on the 0.0.....that's amazing.
I now have 4 configurations that will work. 
1.The Wisp fabric frame and headgear with its own setup using either a S/M or L cushion, neither of which is perfect but both of which are pretty darn good
2. That same frame and headgear using the N20 standard cushion with its short hose 'Goop' glued to it and that assembly just set into the front hole of the Wisp frame, which sounds clunky, but is just as light and convenient as the Wisp cushion and hose and works great
3. The Dreamwear with an extra strap to keep it secure
4. And as a last resort the old fashioned Mirage Activa LT, which is a ridiculous thing next to the others but is surprisingly comfortable, quiet and leak free if you can get to sleep in the silly thing. 

After putting on any of the masks I put on an elastic wide chinstrap which also helps to secure the headgear and keep me from puffing.
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RE: [split] AirFit™ N20 Nasal CPAP Mask [based Frankenmask]
I use a pad under my chin.
I bought it from Mountain Equipment Co-op.
It's intended to protect an infant's face in a baby carrier/backpack.

I put an old camera bag strap through it. The strap holds the pad in place, after I tighten the strap. No it's not pretty.

I've tried cushions that are intended to let you sleep in cars or planes. I wore them in front, not behind. Didn't work well. Only wore them one night...

My chinstrap stretches. After a while it's no good anymore. Cost is about $40 Canadian. I've bought too many of them. That's what I wore to my recent sleep study. It didn't work well that night.

The pad is soft and bends gently around my neck. The top edge is under my jaw. That pressure keeps my mouth shut.

One of the best devices I found previously is called a cpap-cap. Or pap cap. Something like that It looks like a Dr's cloth cap with velcro on it. The strap portion of that goes under my chin. I'm not using it because I got cranky wearing all this gear...
compliant for 35 years /// Still trying!

I'm just a cpap user like you. I don't give medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician before seeking treatment for medical conditions including sleep apnea. Sleep-well


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RE: [split] AirFit™ N20 Nasal CPAP Mask [based Frankenmask]
You're right - the elastic chinstraps get old and lose their elasticity.  I just replaced mine and realized that it's the small encroaching problems that are so gradual you don't notice them that can get you.  Just like sleep apnea.  This is the one I'm using - it's plenty big, long and stretchy and fastens securely.  There's plenty of length and stretch to work with, so you can adjust the degree of clamping force you think you need at the chin.  And the width spans a good portion of any headgear, helping to deter shifting.
I tried soft cervical collars, including one made for sleeping on a plane, and agree that, even though they work somewhat, the restriction of movement for your head isn't very good-sleep inducing.
That pad thing sounds interesting.  Thanks.
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RE: [split] AirFit™ N20 Nasal CPAP Mask [based Frankenmask]
[commercial link removed;  instead, search Amazon for "AG Industries Super Deluxe CPAP Chin Strap AG-CHSD"]

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