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That arrangement is targeting the new user, not someone who has set their preferences. Existing users have, for the most part, learned what we are looking for. The new users . . . .
Gideon - Project Manager Emeritus for OSCAR - Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter
12-22-2019, 01:30 AM (This post was last modified: 12-22-2019, 01:34 AM by jaswilliams.)
RE: Last night was my first as a hose head
To summarise/clarify Bonjours post. The F12 default layout before being changed by a user following a clean install will be what we like, if a user changes the layout for their needs then that modified layout will then be kept,
(12-22-2019, 01:30 AM)jaswilliams Wrote: To summarise/clarify Bonjours post. The F12 default layout before being changed by a user following a clean install will be what we like, if a user changes the layout for their needs then that modified layout will then be kept,
Thanks for the clarification.
I see a risk though
1) The new user installs the app
2) The user then makes a minor layout modification (not knowing the consequences of the F12 logic)
3) They then want to rapidly get to the "preferred layout"
4) They can't do so unless they do it manually
I still think there's benefit in having a single button click that gets us to the "preferred layout" instantly. It would eliminate the need for the "Organizing Charts" faq
Taking this a step further (and introducing way more software effort) would be to have a concept of "Layout templates" that would let the user switch between their own customized preferred layout and then rapidly get back to the "preferred layout"... then back again.
This is hijacking the OP thread so I won't go on further here. :-)
If you read it, it may help you understand why the machine is doing what it's doing and why the pressure steps upwards and why it falls again.
Check it out.
12-22-2019, 09:45 AM (This post was last modified: 12-22-2019, 09:48 AM by ApneaQuestions.)
RE: Last night was my first as a hose head
(12-21-2019, 02:52 PM)ApneaQuestions Wrote: I think we'll get you much lower than 15 on average. Those events are pretty darn empty.
If you turn the automatic algorithm on as sleeprider suggested, it will only crank up the pressure when it needs to... it will stay down lower if it doesn't detect any issues.
It will start at 10 and stay there until you have something going on and then step up to compensate and then drop down again soon after.
Hopefully you'll see that tonight.
Did you notice how that worked?
Your median pressure dropped to 12.74 which is "much lower than 15 on average"... not sure about my use of the word "much" though. ;-)
PS. Don't pay too much attention to things happening in the final moments before the end of the recording... waking up and thrashing around introduces "noise".
Unless of course... you are trying to determine WHY you woke up.
Thanks again & i’m not bothered by a little hijacking by the way
( FYI , i’m no geek, however work with an ipad & tablet everyday with work)
I agree that a single “click” option to organise to preferred “ forum” layout is the way to go if possible.
As for my chart for today, well i forgot to put the card back in last night
Positives are that it was my longest night with mask on 6.25hrs with AHI 1.9 . Woke up a few times but went back to sleep nearly straight away & feeling more ok with mask on ( starting to get a bit more used to it being there).
Negative although no big deal, my mouth being very dry on the wake ups ( mouth open upon wakening) Bit of a lick of the lips & closing the mouth & straight back off to sleep.
12-22-2019, 01:56 PM (This post was last modified: 12-22-2019, 01:58 PM by ApneaQuestions.)
RE: Last night was my first as a hose head
Dry mouth..
You probably know this.. maybe not....
Crank up the humidity setting. I'm on 7
If it rains on you..
Some people also add a tube cover to stop the rain but I didn't go that route.