Although my numbers were reasonable, they never seemed as low or consistent as when on auto.
So along the way I bumped my fixed pressure from 7 to 8, and all has been good for the last 12 months or so, even though my AHI normally sat between 1.5 and 2.
But over the last few weeks my numbers have been climbing, and if I average 4 or above then I lose my professional driving endorsements.
My wife has mentioned that I seem to be opening my mouth more often in my sleep ( I use a F&P Eson nose mask ) so last night I downloaded the SnoreLab app and recorded my night..
As it turns out I do now have quite a few episodes during the night where I open my mouth and air rushes out, in combined total I had 46 minutes of air loss through my open mouth last night.
So I'm starting to think I'm relaxing more in my sleep than I used to, and that is allowing the higher pressure to push my mouth open, and ultimately giving me false AHI numbers.
Tonight I'm going to reset my machine to auto, and I'm going to try a low of 6 and the high at maximum.
I will see how this goes for a week, given my respiratory specialist and I have not always seen eye to eye over how personally involved in my treatment.. I'm not going to tell him I'm making changes.
I just had my annual compliance check up and have 12 months before I have to go and get him to sign off for me again.. by then I will have the data to back up my change of settings, or I will hopefully have found an answer by some other means to keep my numbers down where they need to be.
If not.. then I will give up my professional driving endorsements, because I will at least be able to keep my driving licence at private level.
I sure as hell don't want to give up my ability to travel with my campervan and ride my motorcycle, I won't let that happen if I can possibly help it..
Wish me luck in the nights and weeks ahead.