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10-20-2024, 08:03 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2024, 08:03 PM by AlexinLA.)
Oscar Results
Hi everyone. Please go easy on me if I'm posting this in the wrong place or not including the relevant information. I've been dealing with non-restorative sleep and daytime sleepiness for about two years that started after a urinary issue that caused me to wake up constantly at night and brought me incredible anxiety and depression. I've seen several doctors, including two ENTs, one of whom specializes in sleep apnea and breathing disorders. Both, after seeing my scores on the CPAP, which I used for two months last year, and that my fatigue had not improved, said it's possible the fatigue is not from sleep apnea. In fact, getting tested for sleep apnea was my idea, even though most doctors I saw asked if it could be depression or trauma. All my lab tests came back normal.
I don't remember what my initial AHI was, but it was through a home study and came up as moderate.
I'm attaching the documents I think I should, but please let me know if I should print something else. Just curious if you have any useful advice. Thanks in advance!
10-21-2024, 01:03 PM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2024, 01:04 PM by Deborah K..)
RE: Oscar Results
It's difficult to tell from your chart how we can help you. You need to set the chart up differently. On your first page, we need to see the following, and only the following, in the order listed:
(10-21-2024, 01:03 PM)Thanks, Deborah! Here it is. Deborah K. Wrote:
It's difficult to tell from your chart how we can help you. You need to set the chart up differently. On your first page, we need to see the following, and only the following, in the order listed:
Your side panel shows that your starting pressure is 9, but the chart shows that you start at 6. As your median pressure is 9.54, I suggest you change the starting pressure to 9. That should improve your therapy and comfort.