? Can using EPR kick up central events?
Last night I thought I try EPR to see if this helps avoid a bit of claustrophobia. I set it to Full and 2.
✅ It was more comfortable.
❌ Central events jumped to 5.5, more than double my usual on CPAP.
(My sleep study showed mostly OSA)
Are EPR and centrals related?
Do I need to forego the comfort of EPR because for sure I don’t want to kick up events?
Or, are these unlikely to be related? Since I’m still battling with leaks it’s possible that the events data is inaccurate.
I’d love to hear your experience or general wisdom on EPR and Central events! Because I need to decide what to do tonight ?
ps Background on my CPAP use, in case helpful. Comment is in my post two days ago called OSCAR data (I’m too new to be able to link)[url=https://www.apneaboard.com/forums/Thread-OSCAR-data--40124?pid=475873#pid475873][/url]
RE: ? Can using EPR kick up central events?
EPR does raise centrals but only because it is doing a better job of getting rid of the biproducts. Usually your body gets use to the therapy and the central apnea is less. But the main thing is how you feel. You can move the EPR down to one and see how that goes and move it up as you get use to the therapy. I would also note that centrals and very sporadic, meaning one night it might be high and the next night its it almost gone without any change in the settings. So one night does not tell if you will continue with higher centrals.
RE: ? Can using EPR kick up central events?
Interesting, thank you!
RE: ? Can using EPR kick up central events?
The only thing I'll add is that using EPR does not always result in central apnea. It is something to be aware of should it occur and the the possible nead to react to it.
RE: ? Can using EPR kick up central events?
Really glad from your comments that I didn't immediately turn off EPR!
Instead, I grabbed my other mask -- nasal pillows rather than nasal mask -- since nasal pillows create less leak problems than the nasal mask for me.
Events returned to "normal" for these two nights (AHI = 2, almost all OSA), and I could keep the comfort of EPR.
I'll continue to keep an eye on this, but I am keeping EPR for now.
Thanks so much!
05-18-2023, 01:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-18-2023, 01:44 PM by WakeUpTime.)
Increasing EPR did indeed have a substantial increase in my centrals. Setting an EPR of zero produced my best results, and every increase in EPR (1,2,3) had a corresponding negative impact on my AHI, almost entirely due to centrals. Comfort wise, I hate a zero EPR, so I take comfort in setting it to 1 even though there's a slight impact on AHI results (but I get longer sleep shifts).
Maybe I just had bad initial advice from my first DME, who got me quickly into a BiPAP to better my therapy, but significant EPR spreads for me just gave me years of CA related issues.
More isn't always better.