Hi - I've been using a DreamStation since18 August but have only now discovered OSCAR and the ability to look at detailed information. However, like other new users I'm grappling with understanding what I see.
I'm 73 and in good health, and was persuaded to try CPAP due to being told (wife) that I "stop breathing a lot at night" and because of tiredness during the day. I'm not conscious of any sleep problems except, to me, my nights are full of dreams (not nightmares, just feature-films). I do have to say though that since going onto this machine my tiredness is enormously reduced, so something is working.
Anyway,, if some good person is willing to take a look at my report and comment, I'd really appreciate the input. I have looked through the forum first and - to me - I seem to have some different patters from others. I also note a common comment about increasing minimum pressure.
Over to you in anticipation (and hope that I managed the "set up your report"