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09-04-2024, 10:57 AM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2024, 10:59 AM by Katie.williams.)
New user, support needed please
Hello everyone. I was diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep of 35 AHI in June this year. I was provided with the ResMed airsense 10 on auto settings with a f20 cushion mask (by the nhs- a UK user)
I have struggled to adapt to using the machine.i do find it difficult to sleep with. My AHIs have significantly improved though.
More recently am finding I am constantly waking in the night and am finding my sleep very unrestful. I’m struggling with energy levels again.
I have been looking at myOSCAR data but it looks very confusing and I’m struggling to make sense of it.
When I’m constantly waking I sometimes turn the machine off and so when it starts again the pressure is low. I am Wondering if this is contributing to issues?
Giving a quick glance without all the info, your minimum pressure of 4 is the standard default, but too low to be of any use.
We will have to up this a bit, maybe increase a small token about, say just 6, until we get a clearer picture from the standard 5 graphs, and do it properly.
You have some leaking, this can be dealt with also.
I'm also new here. I'm really glad there is a forum like this for us CPAP users.
You said that you restart your machine because the pressure is too high. Do you have a ramp setting (i.e. a setting that starts out at a lower pressure)? I used to do the same thing, and my ramp setting was 30 minutes, so I effectively wasn't getting the full pressure for most of the night. I set the ramp to 5 minutes, and I am now sleeping all the way through the night (although I did my own post about why I'm still feeling so sleepy).
Your starting pressure is way too low. I suggest that you set your pressure range at 7-13.
If you are using ramp, turn it off if you can handle it. If you feel you can't handle it, turn it up to 5 and use it for a short number of nights, with the plan to eventually turn it off.
09-05-2024, 08:57 AM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2024, 08:59 AM by Katie.williams.)
RE: New user, support needed please
hello and thank you for taking the time to reply.
i think i have uploaded it with he correct info displaying now
thank you for the advice. it does seem a bit hard to understand it all but any advice is appreciated. i will give this a try.