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Started on cpap a while ago and have been trying to adjust my pressure was set on 5-15 and wanted some advice on what to do.
I had an ibreeze before and it felt like my sleep was horrible, so switched to a resmed airsense 11. I seem to be sleeping better but I'm still tired a lot of the time.
Increasing my min pressure to 7 seemed to help as well but I still don't feel great.
Should I try cpap only mode on a higher pressure? Or should I increase my min on apap?
Also been having problems with swallowing air and everytime I've tried a full face mask I wake up. I started taking gas-x and that seems to have fixed it.
Are you doing any better yet? I see you haven’t had any replies.
I’m on here to get info about the iBreeze I was just sent, but your post (along with others) has me inclined to return it untouched and insist on an Airsense, since I’m already accustomed to their algorithm. And their ability to make my own machine adjustments! I hadn’t wanted to tell the DME that, but I may have to.