I've had a few fantastic nights with the cpap. Unfortunately I am waking in the night (last night really felt like I woke up quite a few times) and it feels like my mask "isn't working" when I wake. Though there is definitely air coming through. I wonder if it's to do with pressure, mask not in correct position or too loose / leaking or I am opening my mouth in the night. I think I am both a nose and mouth breather, with the mask I haven't noticed my mouth opening but of course not sure if I am opening it when I am asleep.
I have however changed my sleeping position from on my stomach to slightly raised on my back due to having pain in my thigh at the moment, sleeping position has kind of fixed the leg pain so that's not waking me any more.
I feel like the humidifier is totally fine, no dry mouth at all and my nose isn't sore.
I only use the My air app (might need to get an sd card this weekend and see if I can figure out how to get oscar) it says no leaks, there seems to be no problems according to the app.
I still feel so much better than I did. I just got up eventually and having a warm drink, will try go back to bed and adjust the mask a bit see if it helps. I'm really lucky in that I fall asleep very quickly, so it'd be great if I could stay asleep.
Would you contact your sleep clinic? (I am being treated by the national health service in Denmark and have a telephone number to contact them, I don't have to pay anything so maybe worth a try to see what they say, but obviously if it's something I can maybe fix myself I could save bothering them with it)
Thanks for any advice, I will try and see if I can figure out OSCAR with my tired brain