New here to the board. I have recently been viewing videos by lanky lefty and niko. I hadn't known about the Philips recall, since I had bought my system one 560P second party years ago. I was diagnosed with OSA many years ago, but the Dr I initially saw left practice, and I've been without insurance for years.
Not to on to long...This screenshot shows the last 3 months usage. Once I got the Airsense 10, you can see what immediately happened to the leak rates.
I'm curious as to what's going on. I first used my same mask I've had for years (Micro Mirage), but panicked at got both an n20 and airfit f20.
The FF was a disaster. I won't be using that anymore. The N20 seems ok, but it gets an awful amount of leaking as well. The 2 lower days in this period I taped my mouth...which I never had to do before.
The pressure levels were set the same on both machines. 10 to 16 APAP.
After watching the videos from those guys, I am actively trying to get to a solid pressure and go to CPAP.
The AHI is low, but that's a false indicator. The numbers all look ok to me, except for the really bad leak numbers.
Would the resmed pressure levels be any different than the Philips? Would the OSCAR data know that? I'm assuming it just reads what the machine tells it.
Thanks for any help. This is frustrating.