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CPAP issues after tonsillectomy + septoplasty
RE: CPAP issues after tonsillectomy + septoplasty
So based on this study, going down the respiratory/physiological route seems unlikely to be fruitful in your opinion, right? 

I ask because -- even though the sleep disturbed breathing is mild in this study -- I still regularly wake up very fatigued and with heavy brain fog. Maybe it is mainly neurological at this point and I just need to continue down the path of re-stabilizing my sleep patterns.

My observation about how the pollution/environment has affected my sleep makes me wonder how much still may be respiratory, though. I was back home in suburb North Carolina last month, and my sleep wasn't normal, but I had fewer days of debilitating fatigue. Two weeks ago, I came to Lima, Peru, where it's much more polluted, and I've noticed a significant worsening in sleep. 

Maybe it's a mix of factors, and I need to both re-stablize my sleep patterns while also being really careful about the environments that I'm in. 

Gracias por tu perspectiva!
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RE: CPAP issues after tonsillectomy + septoplasty
When you said you uPPP did you have the soft pallet and uvula cut into trimmed or whatever.... I didn't do the nose part they just did the tonsils and they trimmed my soft pallet and cut my uvula off even though I told him I didn't want to do it I didn't feel comfortable I kept I kept hearing horror stories about how people don't like it it ruins their life with swallowing and it makes CPAP usage worse they kept saying we've never had a problem in 17 years people like it they reduce the pressure on their CPAP because they have to I didn't just have the courage to tell them no I was so confused and half asleep that morning and I called them two or three times a month ahead of time saying I've heard bad stories about this what have you guys heard about this they said it's fine we've never had problems You can back out of the surgery if you want to but the surgeon's going to tell you that you're not going to get the full benefit if you don't do the soft pallet there's multiple versions of the soft palette but she done the classic one I asked her if she could do the modified versions and she said she don't do that she just cuts the the uvula off and trims the pallet to me I think my soft palette looks a little smaller now than what it did before she also pulled another part forward from the back and sewed to it to open the airway up more it's called the palatle pharlyngal Arch It looks like... A third pallet but it's basically it looks like a second pallet second soft palette but now it's gone because it looks like she pulled it forward and sewed it to my actual soft palette that she trimmed.... Either that or it's something that disappeared after my tonsils were cut out it was just an effect from the tonsils pulling inward but it looks like she pulled it forward and sewed did or something

I had to go without the CPAP for 2 weeks I tried using it after day five and I woke up with sleep paralysis only after an hour and even after I went the rest the two weeks without using it once I got permission to use it I still kept waking up with sleep paralysis using the full face mask and dry mouth and I had to adjust the settings for the temperature to fix the dry mouth but I was still waking up with sleep paralysis by using full face mask so then I had no choice but to take my full face mask and tape my lips and use it as a nasal mask which I think now rigging it up like a nasal mask I've been sleeping better than with the full face mask now using a full face mask my SP02 stays higher but for some reason using nasal type mask helps me sleep better even though my O2 is more sporadic

I realize now I should have practiced more on the nasal breathing before surgery

And I should not have let her trim my pallet because I heard that can mess up your CPAP usage and I told her that I wish she would have just caught my insecurities and said you know what we'll just do your tonsils and not do your pallet yet It sounds like you're not comfortable she was trying to do it like selling a cheeseburger at McDonald's like she's done it 800 times she said I wish I would have held off on the pallet part and maybe done my nostrils because I do have a deviated septum but when she done the d i s e right before the surgery which I had to remind her to do even though she did say that she could do a dice the first time I met her I had to remind her and her office to do it the day of the surgery even though I have a deviated septum she said my nose looked unremarkable which I guess means nothing really to mess with I think they always say unremarkable when they do test when they don't see anything to mess with I guess

I should have just done the deviated septum no stuff septoplasty and the tonsils I've been wanting to tonsils out for 4 years and she added this pallet thing on without even doing the dice first she wanted to do it and I feel like it's messing up my full face mask usage unless it's something in my brain that doesn't like it after the surgery but I really regret not concentrating more on nasal breathing practicing I found out I think nasal breathing helps me sleep better because I had to force myself to do it but I still get the same results I still wake up like you one day was really crappy sleep and good sleep the next

I too have to be really tired one night to get good sleep and wake up refresh the next day

I don't know why but it does that to a few people I've read that you get really s***** sleep one day and then good sleep the next day or if you let it go too far it can happen for a few days before you get good sleep this was happening even before the surgery but it might be worse but different after surgery

I too now have a lower AHI after surgery after my surgery it has only been like maybe a month I done a third sleep study to go get rety traded because I wanted to step up to a buyback because it's better than a CPAP because it has better pressure support options and I have unstable breathing issues due to onset transition apnea problems which started 7 months ago

I am 36 at 276 lb more or less white guy 5'9 missing teeth.... I was diagnosed about 4 years ago whenever I was 32 and I was at 377 lb I kept waking up with a very bad headache and like no oxygen at all sleeping in my recliner that I've done for years because I am a mouth breather

I gained all that weight from doing too much Uber and eating junk food My average weight was around 300 lb I went up to about 380 found out I have sleep apnea and large tonsils I wanted to get the tonsils cut out Doctor said get down to 3:25 because you'll need room to heal for surgery and you can't be using a CPAP but he never mentioned the triple p a few years later after I suffered by losing a bunch of weight I saw the second surgeon I should have went to like three or four surgeons I did a lot of research a lot of videos watching wanted them tonsils out real bad but I made the wrong decision on the pallet part I think for now

As I was losing weight even though I did go up to 426 before I actually lost a bunch of weight... Well actually right when I was diagnosed I went on a crash diet went from 377 down to 340 then my mom passed away I went up to 426 then I failed an exam for a new job and realized I was way too fat then I went down to 3:40 around there again a couple years later

By the way whenever I was 32 at 377 lb they put me on a pressure of 12 when I lost weight down to 340 a second time I was having some issues with my unstable breathing and onset transition apnea that I found on the internet is my problem because for some reason my sleep deprivation and insomnia caught up with me due to life reasons schedule change and the last 3 and 1/2 years I was using a CPAP I never practiced falling asleep naturally like I used to with food and whatnot and certain drinks like tart cherry juice and food that helps you sleep instead, I kept drinking this drink called n e u r o sleep neurosleep that helped for a while but I became dependent on it.. what I mean by food is carbs and what not now I still kept eating carbs to help me get tired but every night I would drink this bottle of neurosleep with my dinner that would help me sleep with my CPA because I couldn't fall asleep on that thing without forcing myself and it was my ritual every night I would stock up on that drink every night I had to put 12 bottles on the fridge but as I was losing weight and eating less and walking more My sleep got worse in a different kind of way I started developing insomnia worse from the stress of being overweight using that neurosleep staying up too late I kept having anxiety creep up on me every time family would ask me to make plans I would say don't ask me to make plans You're giving me anxiety just let me see if I get good sleep the next night then I'll tell you in the morning

One day my sleep deprivation and insomnia got so bad I went to the doctor told her I wasn't taking my blood pressure medicine because it contributes to insomnia I'm not sleeping but my blood pressure is high

She put me on trazodone metoprolol for blood pressure which that stuff mess with my heart so I stopped taking it and I think it might have screwed up something in my system and she told me to stop taking the neuro sleep also I was taking shots of ZzzQuil she told me to stop doing that I think

I think the trazodone might have worked one night but then I think one night I ended up mixing the neuro sleep with ZzzQuil and the trazodone and the metropolol taking them all and because my sleep deprivation and insomnia was so bad and I had a headache from not sleeping I was desperate

I started having these jolts awake like my brain was disconnecting and I wasn't thinking to breathe I researched that and it sounded like I had central sleep apnea... Even though a few years prior on my first sleep study it said zero central apnea is even though now I found out that they can keep that stuff hidden if they find it artifact and how it doesn't really relate to your sleep study and central apneas can be caused from other situations besides heart failure You learn all this crap years later

But 7 months ago when the issues happened where I wasn't breathing in my sleep I kept waking up gasping for air even on my CPAP while I had all those sleep drugs in my system this was a new kind of feeling It wasn't obstructive apnea it was some kind of onset transition every time I would fall asleep and I would transition from awake breathing into sleep breathing I would like lock in and freeze up and forget to breathe in my brain would wake me up and jolt me awake I went to three different hospitals nobody can do anything for me I had all these scans done and everything EKGs catscan of my head and chest two or three times at different hospitals I never did an MRI though for this I haven't went to a neurologist yet

It got so bad I stayed up for a week and like a computer and I wanted to see myself fall asleep naturally and snore

I actually wanted to see myself snore

I don't know how but one night after coming out of the third hospital and almost having a heart attack being put on Seroquel they said it was a panic attack I went to that third hospital they couldn't really find anything they said I was dozing off and snoring and sleeping in the hospital at different moments because I do remember that because I felt my life was over and I was just accepting death once I stopped caring I started to doze off and kind of snore I kept saying I have central apnea this was before the second sleep study

That same night that I went home from the third hospital I slept in my recliner without my CPAP for about 6 hours I woke up after 4 hours went back to bed for a couple hours I asked my dad if I was breathing he said yes I probably had some apneas but for some reason after having Seroquel in my system and not sleeping for 4 days somehow I bought it just shut down and I slept in my recliner

But I think I vaguely remember waking up with my mouth closed You sleep better with your mouth closed breathing through your nose but it's so hard to do it I'm a mouth breather from all these years

I forgot to mention that while I was falling asleep in my recliner at home after getting out of the hospital I was making zombie sounds the same zombie sounds I was making whenever that doctor had me take Seroquel and I went home that first time and she gave me a high dose of Seroquel thinking that I'm bipolar schizophrenic which I might be I don't know we all have our own issues when I fell asleep on that Seroquel I don't remember if I was wearing my CPAP or not but as I was falling asleep my brain kept telling me no do not fall asleep something's going to happen to you and I was making zombie sounds picturing my brain and my heart connected together remembering a brain attack I had at 25 that they couldn't find any problems then I woke up and some kind of panic attack that felt like a heart attack cuz my heart was racing so fast I couldn't find my cell phone fast enough to call the ambulance at Seroquel did something to me but if I wasn't using my CPAP and it was a heart attack you would think I would be brain dead from not breathing because I think I was asleep for 45 minutes I don't remember though

So either I fell asleep on my CPAP woke up with a panic attack or fell asleep without my seat back or even with it and not breathing for 45 minutes and it was an actual heart attack but if I was still asleep for 45 minutes and my heart kept racing to wake me up which is what your brain does whenever you have sleep apnea it took it 45 minutes but I don't remember having a headache and having low oxygen so maybe it was just a panic attack but my heart was racing so fast it was hurting my heart turning into a heart attack from a panic attack

I don't even know if I was asleep for 45 minutes but maybe it was a panic attack because I was making zombie sounds and images of a blue-brain connected to a blue heart on the right side signifying an issue ahead with my brain on my right side when I was 25 from the head pain and numbness that they couldn't find anything about

Just like when I was 25 and now they're all saying it's anxiety well well you don't find out until later your anxiety and stuff stems from health issues mental problems and sleep apnea Yes it's anxiety but it's anxiety coming from bad sleep and sleep apnea and getting older but for some reason it hits us harder in our thirties for some people

I don't know if I had it since it was a kid maybe I did but as young as I can remember now I had it at 27 sleeping in my recliner waking up gasping for air not knowing what that was sometimes I fell asleep in my computer chair with my head tilted back and my mouth wide open and I would wake up with dry mouth to me it was just something as simple as dry mouth whenever I was 27 and I do know I had large tonsils at 27 but back then I didn't know what they were and I just played with them with my finger

Of course I still had all my teeth back then now I've got missing teeth and another reason why I sleep apnea might be from my jaw messing up because also 7 months ago right before the breathing sleep central transition apnea issues I was having problems with TMJ symptoms headaches and nausea from one of my teeth chipping again and making my jawline even more unstable so even though I've lost all this weight my sleep apnea could be from UARs from TMJ missing teeth my tongue falling back
.. The pain and nausea from TMJ went away after a week wanted to said I might be compensating

I think I barely remember tossing and turning in bed in my twenties didn't know what it was apparently when I sleep apnea wasn't that bad back then but I was around the same weight I was 300 lb throughout all my twenties more or less but I was able to deal with it now I never recorded myself sleeping maybe I would have seen the sleep apnea I don't know

But I do know throughout my twenties I had all these other issues with my hormones and stuff that if I had sleep apnea I was young enough that I didn't notice it in my body could take it but even at 27 waking up gasping for air I still went out and done stuff and stayed up all night slept without a CPAP didn't even know what a CPAP is I went to rocklahoma and slept in a camper at 27 with sleep apnea didn't even know it 28 29 30 nothing that I could notice I started getting really fatter after 30 cuz I started doing a bunch of Uber went from 300 something up to almost 380 stayed up way too late messed up my circadian rhythm whenever it was telling me to sleep I was out driving for some reason driving the car a lot makes me tired from the vibration but then once I get home I'm wide awake Uber ruined my life but I still do it but I barely do it cuz I just need some money every now and then but I don't hit it hard like I used to

But once I hit 32 I started noticing it

Started losing teeth getting fatter

But even though I've lost a bunch of weight I've developed psychological issues with sleep maybe having UARs missing teeth making my jaw switch up a little bit I just don't know what's going on I don't know what to do I wish I can go back to certain times in the past like whenever I was a higher weight starting on CPAP I just knew I was way over 300 drank my narrow sleep pressure of 12 I woke up the first year going damn I slept pretty good on this CPAP but as I was losing weight taking sleep drinks going on a crash diet it just got worse even though my AHI went down I don't get it I don't use sleep drinks or drugs now to sleep really at all maybe it's Tylenol PM maybe some magnesium glycinate maybe some tart cherry juice

Girl I know the trazodone is what caused my onset transition apnea because that stuff didn't start happening until after I started taking it with the neurosleep and stuff I didn't start happening until after I came from that doctor the first the first time telling her I'm not sleeping and I needed something that can help me sleep but I'm not exactly sure because I was taking the trazodone the neurosleep the ZzzQuil the Metropole all at the same time I think so there's no telling what caused what I do know before adding trazodone and metoprolol into the mix the neurosleep in ZzzQuil was just not working like it used to and I kept having to add more and more to it

It's funny how The trazodone helped in one way but it made it worse in another way I stopped taking it because it was giving me suicidal thoughts I think and it was causing issues at the same time as helping some nights it wouldn't work some nights it worked really good I just have a problem using my CPAP I need my CPAP to breathe and sleep better and I feel safer with it but at the same time another part of my brain doesn't like it It gives me unstable breathing I can fall asleep easier without it but once I fall asleep I can't really breathe that well without it

I don't know if I said this earlier but after my surgery the third sleep study I did he said my AHI was around a four and I have zero obstructive sleep apnea is what the sleep tech found and that's what the doctor wrote out that is bull crap they didn't even titrate me for a new pressure I went in there to get a pressure titration for a bike app as a step up they said I would have to re-qualify apparently with my extra weight loss tonsil surgery and pallet surgery my sleep apnea is gone down so much that I can't qualify but I still have a lot of hip hopnias and r e r a's and possible UAR's because if you look at the sleep study results they always say a bunch of spontaneous arousals which I've read could be UAR's but these doctors don't look into that stuff... And insurance doesn't want to mess with it

So I told them I consider this a failed sleep study because it was actually hard for me to fall asleep the night of the sleep study because like we mentioned earlier some nights you get really good sleep in the next night you get crappy sleep well the night before I got good sleep so I had too much energy the whole day and it was hard for me to fall asleep the next night during the sleep study so how do I know how much of a deep sleep I got into I have my well u02 ring that can tell me but how do I know that's always accurate but what's funny is I was wearing that thing at the same time he had an oxygen sensor on me

The sleep study said my oxygen went down to 88% My will you O2 ring said I went down to 78%. It showed more drops than what the sleep study showed and I sensed it I could fill it when I woke up not breathing right

So my question to you is whenever you say The surgery left you with UARs are you saying that it created you iAR's or you had UARs on top of OSA and now all you have is UARs
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RE: CPAP issues after tonsillectomy + septoplasty
So in order

1. I had apnea as young as 27 and I can remember gasping for air not knowing what it was having dry mouth and large tonsils but I was still young enough I could deal with it and didn't notice I wish I can go back to that

2. I was diagnosed at 32 years old at 377 lb severe apnea headaches no oxygen large tonsils was told to lose weight before surgery... I remember actually around 31... Heck now I think about it maybe even a little younger I was having a slight insomnia issues drinking more NyQuil I do know at 31 I went to Colorado to buy another car for Uber stay at a hotel room and I would always have to eat a bunch of junk food and drink NyQuil to help me get at least 5 hours sleep I never knew what it was

3. Once I was diagnosed I went on a crash diet and lost 37 lb I think I could sleep a little better in my recliner in bed and stuff

4. My mom passed away I went up to 426 failed a job interview physical training

5. Went on a diet and was started walking I think once I went on that diet it started walking I think is when my issue started I was losing weight but I was mentally stressed the more way I lost not doing what I used to do just eating whatever messed with my sleep I was relying on neurosleep every night but I still started to gain more insomnia over time staying up too late relying on that neurosleep to help me crash and get at least 6 hours even though in the beginning I slept over 8 hours on CPAP... I kind of wish I can go back to being bigger with no sleep problems but I don't know if that would work the same now

6. After 3 and 1/2 years relying on that neurosleep and going on a diet and eating less my insomnia and sleep deprivation got worse... It was getting harder and harder to rely on that neurosleep and get at least 6 hours when in the beginning of the CPAP I was getting over 8 hours with a neurosleep after I got used to it...and I was also adding in shots of ZzzQuil and other brands like it with added pain reliever mixed in with it the way it was made ZzzQuil plus pain relief for headaches from not sleeping... It says if dieting and forcing myself to lose weight going on walks relying on that neurosleep and losing weight and eating less my apnea AHI was getting better without me knowing it but my sleep apnea was getting worse in a different kind of way

8. Once I got down to 3:40 something 7 months ago my sleep deprivation and insomnia got so bad along with changing shifts at my job that made things way worse whenever I was relying on the sleep medicine to help me get 6 hours on my current shift once I switch shifts I made everything 10 times worse and I should not have done that because I didn't prep my sleep I didn't practice going to bed earlier

8. They got so bad I was taking my neuro sleep ZzzQuil trazodone metropolol blood pressure that was supposed to help make me tired I was taking too much stuff and it made my sleep apnea so bad I went into this deep sleep I guess where my CPAP was the only thing probably keeping me alive and I kept waking up feeling weird I could feel my throat opening

9. Then I started having onset transition apnea jolting awake brain losing connection being hyper aroused to my apnea's every time I would fall asleep I could feel everything closing off in my brain wouldn't let me fall asleep It became hypersensitive and every time I would actually get tired and almost fall asleep My brain would disconnect and I would stop breathing in between awake breathing and sleep breathing I would get stuck in that transition went to three different hospitals had a panic / heart attack from Seroquel for some reason I was able to sleep twice without my CPAP after being sleep deprived and even one time I recorded myself snoring which is what I wanted to see because I felt like I lost the ability to fall asleep naturally and snore thinking I had central apnea from the medicine and/or the CPAP

10. Then a sleep study a few weeks later I found out my sleep apnea had went down from severe to moderate from a pressure of 12 to a pressure of seven maybe that would explain my breathing issues on my CPAP which my also explain my actual breathing issues on my CPAP now because apparently I've lost so much weight and you had this surgery done that I have almost no apnea but I still do whether it's UARs or a small case of OSA that I need a very light pressure but the damn sleep clinic didn't even at least retitrate me for a low pressure to minimize any kind of apneas they said I had an AHI of four or whatever but they use that stupid formula that certain apneas get canceled out by others because of certain reasons which brings your AHI down to this no that's stupid because there are still some kinds of apneas in between whether you want to call it UARs hip hopnias a couple of OSAs something I'm in between no pressure and a little bit of pressure but I haven't gone anything lower than 6.6 on my CPAP I'm too scared to go lower but for all I know maybe I'm getting too much pressure from the CPAP and it's what's causing the unstable breathing
.. My weight loss exceeding my pressure... But I still need a CPAP because I know I can't really sleep without it because I keep waking up with a headache gasping for air a little bit and low oxygen when I breathe out my mouth which you're not supposed to breathe out your mouth you're supposed to use your nose

11. The onset transition apnea symptoms went away for a while I was breathing better again on my CPAP on my new pressure of 7

12. But my sleep kept getting worse again even when I was losing more weight... So if I've gone down to a pressure of seven going from 377 to 3:40 but now I'm at 270 something using a pressure of 6.6 I don't know if that's too high or low I don't know if I'm at a stopping point and the weight loss only does so much and it's other things causing it like my missing teeth or psychological anxiety issues and I need trazodone or something to help because I've read that trazodone helps you increase the arousal threshold and ignore apneas because it's designed to help you stay asleep and let you work through those apneas while you're asleep because you don't actually need to wake up because it's actually worse to wake up as crazy as that sounds they're basically saying that they want you to stay asleep to get these hypopnias out of the way and not wake up from taking the trazodone... Isn't that sound kind of like they want you to basically overdose because that's the meaning of overdose You're not waking up whenever you're apnea is affecting your breathing and your brain tells you to wake up but that's what it says on Google trazodone is designed to increase the arousal threshold and make you ignore certain apneas like hyponeas and let them run their course and then you stay asleep

13. Finally meta surgeon that would do my tonsils she said some things I didn't think about last year that now I'm thinking wasn't that good to hear she said that she could have done my surgery at a higher weight while the other doctor said I needed to lose weight I know now that doing it at a higher weight was a risk and even at the way that I'm at now was a risk not sleeping without my CPAP for 2 weeks was crazy still being 290 270 around there

14. I feel like I fixed one problem by getting my tonsils cut out but made something worse by messing with the pallet when all I wanted was the tonsils cut out but I felt misguided and falsely encouraged to do something I really wasn't comfortable to do when they couldn't just catch my uncomfortableness and tell me that they can just cancel the other half I wanted them to make that answer for me instead of me just saying nope don't do it I should have just said no don't do it but I didn't

15. What's crazy is if you think about it I'm thinking my large tonsils was preventing my tongue from falling back too far but now getting them cut out they fall back farther and getting some of my pallet trimmed it falls back even farther now ain't that kind of crazy The tonsils cause apnea mouth breathing in a certain way but then the tongue falling back further from the tonsils not being able to block it the pallet not being able to block it that might just be my imagination but it seems like it

16. I feel like I should have practiced nasal breathing on the mask before I have my pallet and I uvula cut to see what it would do because I heard horror stories about how it messes with your CPAP afterwards.... But I think maybe there's still enough left that it might not be affecting too bad I just know that using pool face mask I wake up with sleep paralysis so I have to do nasal breathing now which I should have done before the surgery because they done this surgery on the account that I'm a mouth breather opening up my airway when the tongue falls back cutting out my tonsils cuz you mouth breathe whenever you sleep but you're not supposed to

17. Have you used the nasal?

18. How much do you weigh
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RE: CPAP issues after tonsillectomy + septoplasty
I know I haven't replied to my other comments but I think the uppp has ruined my life now when I use CPAP my tongue falls farther back and the extra space to get air caught, has made it to where I get this pressure in my head and get sleep paralysis I can't sleep without CPAP cause 02 drops I can't sleep with it unless I use it as a nasal and even that don't work well
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RE: CPAP issues after tonsillectomy + septoplasty
@jaguarman9991, it sounds like your sleep situation is causing you a lot of distress. I'm sorry to hear it, I know it's difficult. 

I read through your posts, and a few things stand out to me. I'm not a doctor, of course, but these are things that I'd be personally be considering if you're not already: 

- From what I understand, you had your surgery very recently, within the last few weeks. Several doctors have told me that in the weeks immediately after surgeries like the ones we had, there's still a lot of inflammation and swelling, which temporarily make apneas (and sleeping in general) significantly worse. I know that I slept terribly for the first month after my surgery, and then things slowly started getting better. So, I would wait for a few more weeks, at least, to evaluate the effectiveness of your surgery. 

- It also sounds like there might be other factors in addition to apneas/hypopneas/other respiratory issues that may be complicating your sleep. It sounds like you had inconsistent sleep hygiene, with working night hours as well as eating junk food and taking various supplements to fall asleep. Getting good sleep hygiene under control might at least help rule out other variables that might be influencing your sleep quality. 

- If you're not doing so already, I'd definitely recommend consulting with various other doctors in sleep medicine, until you find one who you like. I know it feels like an uphill battle, especially when you're already sleep deprived, to find them. It took me quite a few consultations with different sleep doctors to finally find a couple who I feel like are genuinely trying to help me in a thoughtful way. Those doctors are out there. Otherwise, it can feel very lonely/frustrating to be battling this type of thing on your own. 

- To get other peoples' perspectives, you might start your own thread on this forum as well. 

To answer your other questions- 

1) I'm about 170lbs, 5' 10". So, no other clear risk factors for OSA. 
2) Yes I've used both nasal and full face masks. 
3) I didn't say that the surgery left me with UARS - it was a question that I asked the forum. As of this past week, I'm beginning to think that my neurologist may be right, and that my sleep issues may no longer be respiratory related. We recently increased the dosage of Lyrica I'm taking, and I've had six relatively "normal" days in a row, where I feel refreshed. It's very unusual for me to have multiple back-to-back good days in a row, so I think I may be on to something with that path. I'm going to keep seeing how it goes over the next couple of months, and I'll update the thread then.
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RE: CPAP issues after tonsillectomy + septoplasty
I was 290 when I had the surgery ur weight may be a big difference you said left you with UARs, what did you mean by that
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