this with using the EVO Medical ComfortFit Full Face Mask, which is comfy, but a big leak prone if anything touches the mask during the night, blanket resting on it, pillow pushing from side - I will use the Mirage™ FX Nasal CPAP Mask
Now, I had my machine for exactly one month - I had to exchange my nasal mask for the FFM about 4 days into treatment becouse of a cold and could not breath through my nose - called them today, for the replacement cushion for the FFM, and filter - and before I was done, they are also sending me the nasal mask - I still not elegible for a replacement mask for another 2 months, but cool they are doing it now instead of making me wait - now next month, I can call and get more filters, and the new cushion for the FFM, and for the nasal if I need it!! - really going to be nice to be able to make that switch when I need to - and now I can swap with me wife, when she has a cold - she can use the FFM - when I need it I can use it - with good cleaning in between though.
Hopefully will be able to get to some my better graphs - this is my first night with the nasal - a LOT different than what I have saw since I started with the FFM: