RE: Desperate for Advice
If you were asking me about sleep problems and anxiety, I've always had problems getting to sleep and in the last 7-8 months problems staying asleep. I think I likely have mild anxiety. I don't have panic attacks or anything like that, but sleep has been a life-long issue so I think I have some anxiety around sleep and am generally a worrier and a stress internalizer. FYI, I slept on a wedge on my side. i found if I put a pillow right in front of the wedge so that my hip was on it, I could sleep that way without much hip/leg discomfort as it altered the body angle.
RE: Desperate for Advice
Not on any other meds. Appreciate all the ideas.
It is truly amazing how everyone rallies for a stranger.
Such incredible people.
RE: Desperate for Advice
Get some breathing awareness and exercises going!
Stop anxiety in its tracks with a little practice, basically bio-feedback.
Check out Patrick McKeown.
yes , we have rallied for you..
Now you gotta rally for you !
Some of these things take a lot of discipline, and they are usually the things that bear the most fruit!