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Hey there, new user here. Have been straggling with fatigue, tinitus, and constant tiredness for a very long time. Did sleep study which detected bad snoring.
Decided to buy CPAP and went to the doctor who helped to do initial configuration. I'm diagnosed with CPTSD which adds more variables to the equation of figuring out what is wrong with my sleep. I have TMJ, back problems and undeveloped lower jaw. I snore and grind my teeth at night. Have been wearing splint that helps to relax jaw for 2 years.
I have great success success addressing my PTSD with therapists, I have nightmares but very rarely and couldn't say that it affects my sleep very often maybe once a month.
According to my machine report I have AHI of 4.42 and RERA events around 1.4 which brings total RDI over the 5 (AHI + RERA) that can be classified as UARS according to wikipedia.
Can somebody give me the recommendation on settings or share similar experience.
Whish you all full night of sleep!
Machine - Prisma Smart Plus Auto
Mask - Full face mask (mouth, nose)
- APAP mode
- Min pressure 6 cmH2O
- Max pressure 10 cmH20
As we cannot see the bottom of the left-hand table where it shows the specific settings, could you scroll up and post that image? It looks like SoftPAP is on 2, but not sure. We also need to know what APAP mode is being used, standard or dynamic.
Generally, it looks like you do not have enough pressure. Ideally, try something like:
APAP dynamic
Min pressure 7
Max pressure 11
SoftPAP 2
No softStart
Give that a try for a few nights and post a new chart. We will likely need to tweak further, particularly SoftPAP and APAP mode, but for now start with that.