RE: Brevida mask with Evora headgear
I did not realized that you installed the Evora headgear directly on the Brevida mask without any other adaptor.
Is this right ? Is it very stable with no slack or mouvement during sleep.
So I can cancel the adaptor I made !
For the tiewrap I did it but after I posted my first pictures. The adaptor I made have a stopper block that enter in the Brevida hole.
RE: Brevida mask with Evora headgear
After struggeling for months with my new Brevida i orderd the Evora headgear and gave this marriage a try.
I first tried SRee´s solution because it doesent involve tape and seems like the better option. But when everything was tightend down the evora frame slipped too low on the Brevida (even if it seemed well placed before i started tightening the cable ties) frame thus slightly rubbing against the Brevida swivel on the top. But worse was that the angle of the Brevida pillows got wrong. They now blowed air straight into my nostril like to the back wall inside the nostril instead of slightly up the nostril.
So i went back and tried BeauPetitNez solution. Here with the tape i could better control the angle of the brevida frame to evora frame by holding it the way i wanted and then taping it secure. With the SRee solution you are kind of at the mercy of the cable ties and if you loop them like in the post and tighten them down you cant really make any adjustment; it will place itself the way it does really. But with the tape there is more room for making adjustment before securing everything.
Now i will say that i suspect that i squeezed the evora frame too much into the different curve of the brevida frame when trying SRee´s solution. Thus both mask was in tension against eachother. I think this is the main reason the pillows got misaligned. If i try SRee´s solution again i will try to keep the evora and brevida frame together, but not squeezing them together to the point where the plastic bends before securing with cable ties. This tension is probably what made the evora frame slip down on the brevida frame. Having it a little looser might adress the issue.
Anyway, if anyone also tries this stuff i thought i would share my experience.
The only question now is cleaning. It is VERY fiddly to keep the two different frames together and at the proper angle and tension while trying to tape. One would need an extra arm or two to do it easily. So i wont loosen this to clean the evora frame very often. Maybe once a month at the most. Using wet wipes should clean the frame enough i hope.
RE: Brevida mask with Evora headgear
(01-12-2024, 05:18 PM)BeauPetitNez Wrote: One other thing I found, even if I have a "little nose" the best Brevida mask is the Medium/Large.
One reason is the bigger silicone cone, even if look a bit large, that make a much better seal rather the XS-S
Thank you for this comment, I'm trying the Brevida for the first time, and had a lot of trouble getting, and then trusting the seal using the XS-S. My nose measures 3.8cm, and the mask range is up 3.8cm for XS-S and 3.8+ for that medium/large so I'm going to give the larger one a try.