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I never had a vpap before, have been using a CPAP for about 8 years, but I am always tired even though my AHI is in a good level, but I notice I have central sleep apneas and periodic breathing (Cheynes Stokes breating).. My doctor is useless and my insurance appears to be putting up a battle for me to get the right machine I need.
I am looking to buy a vpap adapt, and as we know they are very expensive. I want to know the difference between these 2 Vpap machines. One is the older machine and one is the newer machine. I can find the older vpap adapt for about $400 used while the newer version is well over $1000.
I want to know if the older vpap adapt is good enough for treating the following: obstructive apnea, central sleep apnea, cheyne stokes breathing?
From the mfg: "The VPAP Adapt SV system is intended to provide non-invasive ventilatory
support to treat adult patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and respiratory
insufficiency caused by central and/or mixed apneas and periodic breathing. This
device is intended for use in the hospital or home"
Get the later S9 machine. The older machine is an S8; and uses a proprietary data card and reader.
SV is a "Servo Ventilator" used to treat OA, CA, and CSR.
Machine: Resmed AirSense 10 AutoSet For Her Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Resmed f20 Humidifier: Resmed Integrated humidifier CPAP Pressure: 11/14 CmH2O CPAP Software: Not using software
Other Comments: I started CPAP in 2008. Totally blind since birth.
11-04-2014, 10:58 AM (This post was last modified: 11-04-2014, 11:02 AM by Galactus.)
RE: Need help with VPAP
Hi there, I see your concern regarding the prices and as above both machines do work, but the reality is the A10 is now out and so the S8 is going to be 2 generations behind current, besides using proprietary data cards and the like. You really should keep looking to get the S9. Have you tried searching down Craigs List as well as the supplier list on this page (scroll to the top) there are quite a few suppliers that sell used units at decent prices. It took me a bit to find a 760 on Craigs List but I did eventually find it, your's may be a bit harder but they do come up from time to time.
Supplier #2 has a VPAP S9 for $729, just took a quick look.
If everyone thinks alike, then someone isn't thinking.
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11-04-2014, 01:10 PM (This post was last modified: 11-04-2014, 01:13 PM by justMongo.)
RE: Need help with VPAP
(11-04-2014, 10:58 AM)Galactus Wrote: Hi there, I see your concern regarding the prices and as above both machines do work, but the reality is the A10 is now out and so the S8 is going to be 2 generations behind current, besides using proprietary data cards and the like. You really should keep looking to get the S9. Have you tried searching down Craigs List as well as the supplier list on this page (scroll to the top) there are quite a few suppliers that sell used units at decent prices. It took me a bit to find a 760 on Craigs List but I did eventually find it, your's may be a bit harder but they do come up from time to time.
Supplier #2 has a VPAP S9 for $729, just took a quick look.
He is looking for the ResMed S9 VPAP/BIPAP Adapt SV with Heated Humidifier - REF - 36007. That supplier sells it for $1049. and $1249 for # 36037. He has CA and CSR and needs an ASV machine which the straight VPAP is not.
And for the OP: VPAP is ResMed's trade name for BiLevel.
The S9 VPAP Adapt is the machine that was requested for me by my doctor for my centrals which are drug induced in me because of some prescription pain medication I wear 24/7/365 ..
You don't list your present machine and settings which will be helpful for others to help you !! Central Sleep Apnea's can be made worse with higher pressure so many times its a fine line to eliminate the Centrals without inducing more obstructive apnea's by lowering the pressure ..
Being a new user of just over 1 month .. last night was my firsts AHI of 0.00
Resmed has several different machines in the ASV category depending on what is need for the individual ..( ASV = Adaptive Servo Ventilation )
(11-04-2014, 10:58 AM)Galactus Wrote: Hi there, I see your concern regarding the prices and as above both machines do work, but the reality is the A10 is now out and so the S8 is going to be 2 generations behind current, besides using proprietary data cards and the like. You really should keep looking to get the S9. Have you tried searching down Craigs List as well as the supplier list on this page (scroll to the top) there are quite a few suppliers that sell used units at decent prices. It took me a bit to find a 760 on Craigs List but I did eventually find it, your's may be a bit harder but they do come up from time to time.
Supplier #2 has a VPAP S9 for $729, just took a quick look.
He is looking for the ResMed S9 VPAP/BIPAP Adapt SV with Heated Humidifier - REF - 36007. That supplier sells it for $1049. and $1249 for # 36037. He has CA and CSR and needs an ASV machine which the straight VPAP is not.
And for the OP: VPAP is ResMed's trade name for BiLevel.
My apologies, I did not see the Adapt, sorry about that one.
If everyone thinks alike, then someone isn't thinking.
Everyone knows something, together we could know everything.