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I see my Doctor in 3 weeks and will make a case for a Aircurve through medicare. Right now I am in the 3 months medicare compliance for the Airsense.
I will do my best to state my case and hopefully the doctor will do what he has to for me the use the Aircurve.
Thanks for the help, for Oscar and the Apnea Board.
Dormeo any ideas as to why you believe your Vauto is more accurate? Maybe can see that breath waveform was different etc?
If a person used a vauto and autoset at the same settings (say same set pressure, same PS) it should be clear whether or not the machines calculate/report their information differently(if the breathing waveforms appear the same but give different numbers) or if the timing controls such as Timin influence the breathing wave form so significantly that any oscillations etc become less of a factor.
this is more difficult than it seems because you will never have the exact same breathing pattern when done at different times.
CPAP vendors do exactly this by using a breath simulator dummy and thus can run the identical simulation on multiple machines and rigidly compare the results.
Gideon - Project Manager Emeritus for OSCAR - Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter