RE: F20 mask attachment to headgear ?
A picture is always helpful. If you have the user guide that came with the mask, the parts are illustrated with letters and numbers on the back of the booklet. The parts are described with letters and numbers from the illustration on the preceding two pages. If you don't have it google AirFit F20 user guide and you will find a PDF version.
In the troubleshooting section it says the following for a noisy mask:
Mask is too noisy.
Elbow incorrectly installed or incorrect
assembly of the mask system.
Remove the elbow from your mask, then
reassemble according to the instructions.
Check that the mask is correctly assembled
Vent is dirty.
Use a soft bristle brush to clean the vent
A close look at the vent as well as what has been mentioned in previous posts may be in order.
I hope this helps.
Download OSCAR
Organize Charts
Attaching Charts
Mask Primer
Soft Cervical Collar
RE: F20 mask attachment to headgear ?
Thanks again to everyone for the responses.
Thank you PaytonA for clearing up the terms.
The problem I was describing was the cushion coming off the frame too easily. I can connect it and I feel it click into place but if I move the assembled cushion and frame the cushion seems to pop off the frame. I have a feeling that it is coming off easier than it should be, but maybe I am just man-handling it.
I reached in to the connector aND touched the flappers with my pinky to make sure they moved freely and I think they are ok.
Maybe I will just return it and try it again someday.
RE: F20 mask attachment to headgear ?
I bought this mask 2 days ago and am having the same problem of it coming apart too easily. It looks like the ring on the cushion assembly clips into the frame at the bottom of the ring, but at the top it just sits in the slot. This would be ok if its a snug fit (though I wonder how long it'll last) but, in my case its not so snug and comes away way too easily.
Once clipped in, you can actually pull at the bottom of the cushion assembly and its quite firm. But the slightest pressure (or even just slightly bumping it) at the top and it just falls out. I can't even get it on my head without having to hold the cushion on the frame until I get the head gear over my head. Once on, the tension in the straps holds it all in place.
Anyway, mine will be going back today for a replacement.
06-23-2017, 08:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-23-2017, 08:14 AM by Robertaross.
Edit Reason: Err
RE: F20 mask attachment to headgear ?
I have had the same problem...and still do even after replacing the mask once already. The replacement was a slightly improved design in several ways and the cushion section is noticeably better...but after a few weeks is again starting to fall out too easily. I love everything else about this mask ..fits better than any other I've had (many), works better and most importantly I actually sleep much better when wearing it. The mask also for some reason I do not understand works significantly better with the higher CPAP pressure my machine scales up to during the night. I thought I was going to have to get the machine reprogrammed to lower the pressure but turns out that the pressure is fine with the right mask.
There is no way to adjust or change the mounting circle on this mask at all. If it gets loose then you need a new mask. Since they've already made a few changes, I assume Respironics knows about the problem. This mount is faulty and really needs a major redesign.
So I am planning on returning get that mask again to get another as soon as I can, but since I did that once already I may have to wait for the next official time (another 60 days or so). Fortunately, in every way that truly matters, this is by far the best mask I have ever owned.
06-23-2017, 09:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-23-2017, 09:37 AM by Robertaross.
Edit Reason: Errors
RE: F20 mask attachment to headgear ?
FYI...just noticed that the part of the mask that goes into the hose actually locks in place on the front of the headgear. This part could easily be designed with some sort of clip on the INSIDE that grabs the cushion section just enough to keep it in place but still loose enough to move with the hose. Maybe Respironics looks at these posts? ?
RE: F20 mask attachment to headgear ?
Now to "Hijack" the thread.
I have the air touch F20 mask and jeepers they wqant $54 for the mask with foam edging when all that needs replacing is the edging. As this is a borrowed mask I don't want to pull on the edging.
Seems ResMed missed the design boat by NOT making the edging replaceable since the plastic "bowl" is still serviceable. On the other hand, I suppose they are thinking users might be older age with dexerity problem trying to peel and replace (NO, not REpeal and REplace!) the edging and also it might not grip tight enough to stay in place during the night toss and turns.
Wanted to send email to Resmed with suggestion, but they have only an 800 number that goes who knows where with someone whose English is not first language (might not be their third or fourth).
Any thoughts out there. Could generalize for mask with silicon edging,
RE: F20 mask attachment to headgear ?
Do you have your hose attached to a hose buddy or is it just lying freely? I am wondering if maybe you are tugging on the hose in your sleep and pulling the cushion out that way?
07-06-2017, 01:01 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2017, 01:09 PM by Robertaross.
Edit Reason: Add content
SOLUTION to F20 mask falling apart
So, my 1st F20 fell apart immediately. I ordered a new one and noticed that it was already a bit different design than the 1st one I had...but not where it counted. My new F20 mask started falling apart after about a week or two. The weak point is at the center where the front and back snap together -- just 2 big rings that snap together BUT WITH NO secure mounting system at all, just the two rings. You'd thing there would be some sort of clip or something you twist to lock it in, but there i nothing. So it is prone to getting weak right there are not staying together. As long as its on my head its fine, but I get up and down throughout the night and the mask usually falls apart, so I have to turn on the lights to find the loose part that probably fell under the bed or something. Many times I just leave it off and don't bother or am too sleepy to notice it came off so just don't manage to put it back on...which is not recommended of course.
I was desperate to come up with a solution -- and I did! I took a 1" or so stripe of cloth medical tape and cut it in half lengthwise (1/2") then, with the mask apart, applied to tape to the inside edge of the circular opening using my fingernails to tamp it down tightly to fit all around the opening. The tape covers about HALF the opening, which is just enough as you need some of the original opening to hold the front and back parts together securely.. The face cushion part of the mask now snaps onto the rest of the mask and is held securely by the extra tension of the tape. It hasn't fallen apart so far in a couple of weeks.
Let's hope Respironics comes up with something better. Meanwhile, this works for me -- and this mask is far better in every other way than any I have had so even with this little flaw is the best I've found.
RE: F20 mask attachment to headgear ?
If we are all talking about the F20 mask, it is made by Resmed not Respironics. If anyone is trying to reach Respironics to suggest redesigns they may not know what you are talking about.
Resmed designed the mask so that you can just detach the elbow and the hose from the mask for bathroom breaks. It is one of the features that I like. Excessive disconnecting of the cushion assembly from the frame may be causing the fit between the frame and cushion assembly to become loose.
The cushion assembly and the frame have opposing tapers in their mating parts which are intended to keep them together I believe. If the tapers are off location or off dimension too much the parts will not fit right. If the plastic is not hard enough the tapers will wear prematurely and not hold well.
Actually the Simplus mask's frame and cushion have the same type of design and my Simplus's frame and cushion assembly fall apart easily. I have to be careful handling it and when I don the mask the first thing that I do is to hold the mask against my face with one hand and then pull the headgear over my head with the other and then fasten the lower straps. My cushions and frame never fall apart donning the mask that way. If the cushions and frame are really loose, you may need to bend forward to get the mask up to your face.
I think that the difference in holding together better when force is applied to the bottom as opposed to the top is simply a matter of leverage and geometry.
Best Regards,
07-07-2017, 10:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-07-2017, 10:12 AM by Robertaross.)
RE: F20 mask attachment to headgear ?
I used the mask carefully...but it still fell apart after a week or two. It's a design flaw, regardless of whether it falls apart in 2 days or several weeks. As tight and secure as I tried to get the two rings, it always fell apart. But with a bit of medical tape around the inner ring, easily fixed. Hopefully ResMed will do something about that themselves. Meanwhile, medical tape works great. It is still the best mask I've ever used bar none!